Full Join N-N without repeating records


Viewed 686 times


I have two tables with relation N-N:

           ITEM_ORC                          ITEM_COMP

|   OP  |    Item Orçado   |    |   OP  |    NF   |   Item Comprado  |
+-------+------------------+    +-------+---------+------------------+
|   1   |      Lápis       |    |   1   |   101   |   Lapis Preto    |
|   1   |      Borracha    |    |   1   |   102   |   Caderno C Dura |
|   1   |      Caderno     |    |   2   |   102   |   Regua 15cm     |
|   2   |      Régua       |    |   2   |   102   |   Lousa Verde    |
|   2   |      Lousa       |    |   2   |   103   |   Caneta BIC Az  |

I need a query that brings the following result:

Relação Orçamento X Compras

|  OP  |   Item Orçado   |   NF    |    Item Comprado   |
|  1   |     Lápis       |   101   |    Lapis Preto     |
|  1   |     Borracha    |   null  |    null            |
|  1   |     Caderno     |   102   |    Caderno C Dura  |
|  2   |     Régua       |   102   |    Regua 15cm      |
|  2   |     Lousa       |   102   |    Lousa Verde     |
|  2   |     null        |   103   |    Caneta BIC Az   |

Since there is no relationship between the items, a correct order between them is not necessary. I would just like the listing by OP, IE, could be that way the result, for example:

|  OP  |   Item Orçado   |   NF    |    Item Comprado   |
|  1   |     Lápis       |   102   |    Caderno C Dura  |
|  1   |     Borracha    |   null  |    null            |
|  1   |     Caderno     |   101   |    Lapis Preto     |
|  2   |     Régua       |   102   |    Lousa Verde     |
|  2   |     Lousa       |   103   |    Caneta BIC Az   |
|  2   |     null        |   102   |    Regua 15cm      |

So far I’ve done the following query:

   ,Item Orçado
   ,Item Comprado

   ,Item Orçado

   ITEM_ORC) a

full join

   ,Item Comprado


ON a.OP = b.OP

But the result I get is that for each item budgeted returns me each one of the purchased:

|  OP  |   Item Orçado   |   NF    |    Item Comprado   |
|  1   |     Lápis       |   101   |    Lapis Preto     |
|  1   |     Lápis       |   102   |    Caderno C Dura  |
|  1   |     Borracha    |   101   |    Lapis Preto     |
|  1   |     Borracha    |   102   |    Caderno C Dura  |
|  1   |     Caderno     |   101   |    Lapis Preto     |
|  1   |     Caderno     |   102   |    Caderno C Dura  |
|  2   |     Régua       |   102   |    Regua 15cm      |
|  2   |     Régua       |   102   |    Lousa Verde     |
|  2   |     Régua       |   103   |    Caneta BIC Az   |
|  2   |     Lousa       |   102   |    Regua 15cm      |
|  2   |     Lousa       |   102   |    Lousa Verde     |
|  2   |     Lousa       |   103   |    Caneta BIC Az   |

Just pointing out, the only relationship between the tables is the OP. The items, despite coincidences, have no relationship.

Can you help me? Thank you!

2 answers


To get the expected result, what is missing is to add the condition Item Orçado = Item Comprado to the clause ON:

   ,Item Orçado
   ,Item Comprado

   ,Item Orçado

   ITEM_ORC) a

full join

   ,Item Comprado


ON a.OP = b.OP
AND Item Orçado = Item Comprado

I made a example in Sqlfiddle, yet using Postgresql.


According to comments and the author’s issue, there is no relationship between the items as in the example above.

Particularly I would not recommend doing a single query to bring the two information. But I can see a few cases where that might be useful, like in a simple report that shows the relationship between research and purchase, for example.

The answer @Runo meets the question well, but I will put here another query option a little different:

SELECT ISNULL(O.OP, C.OP) OP,  Item_Orcado, NF, Item_Comprado
        SELECT OP, Item_Orcado, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY OP ORDER BY Item_Orcado) AS Linha
    ) O
    ) C
    ON C.OP = O.OP 
    AND C.Linha = O.Linha
ORDER BY OP, ISNULL(NF, 'Z'), item_orcado

Note that the ISNULL in the sorting serves to play the NULLs to the end. This is interesting for reports.

See the new example in Sqlfiddle

  • Actually @utluiz, I can’t do this relationship. In the example I created is possible, but in the real comic there is no relation between the items, because in the budget table the items are written by hand, while in the purchased are items registered in the system. Sorry for the flaw in the problem description.

  • 1

    @Cassiomilanelo In this case it is not possible to do this. What you want is nothing more than to bring two distinct lists in one query. If you can’t do the interface, then retrieve the two lists from the bank separately and display them to the user in two separate lists as well.

  • 1

    @Cassiomilanelo, what you have to do then is remodel your budget table, there’s no way to relate an item if it has no relationship.

  • @utluiz and @Kaduamaral, there is still the relationship between Budget and Purchase by OP (I don’t know if I didn’t make that clear). There’s just no relationship between the items. It is not necessary that the items are presented in some specific order or with some link, only within the same OP. Still it is not possible?

  • Yes, it is possible. You have the answer below.

  • @Bruno What I meant is that it is not possible to make the relationship between items in two tables without some information relating the items. The question has been edited and, as you may notice, your answer is only valid after editing.

  • @utluiz, I didn’t notice that the question had been edited. You’re absolutely right.

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A possible solution to your problem is to create a column that links the two tables. This example creates a pseudo relation within each OP.

;with pOrcado as (
   select op, [Item Orçado], row_number() over (partition by op, order by [Item Orçado]) as RN
   from ITEM_ORC
), pComprado as (
   select op, NF, [Item Comprado], row_number() over (partition by op, order by [Item Comprado]) as RN
   from ITEM_COMP    
select isnull(o.op, c.op) as op, o.[Item Orçado], c.nif, c.[Item Comprado]
from pOrcado o
full outer join pComprado c
   on c.op = o.op
  and c.rn = o.rn
  • Good answer! I’m not very fond of using the row_number() because of the verbose syntax and the application that often seems to me gambiarra, but on the other hand it makes possible very creative solutions. : D

  • I ended up using other tools and doing two independent queries, but I found your @Runo approach very useful. Thank you!

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