From what I understand your problem is with javascript.
I recommend using a library called jQuery.
With jQuery you can do:
<script src=""></script>
// por convenção minha, se a variavel conter um objeto jQuery eu começo o nome
// dela com $
var $opcaoSelecionada = $(this).find('option:selected');
// você pode acessar o valor da option selecionada aqui
console.log( $opcaoSelecionada.val() );
//pode acessar o conteúdo do option selecionado também
console.log( $opcaoSelecionada.text() );
// Se quiser copiar a option pra outro select
$opcaoSelecionada.clone().appendTo( $('#idDaListaDeMusicasSelecionadas') );
I recommend learning about jQuery, it is very simple to use and very useful.
About your comment, I showed you how you take the values of the value attribute of the option selected with .val()
and its textual content with .text()
If you want to create a checkbox with these values, you can write the checkbox in javascript and add them to the element you want:
// cria o checkbox que você quer colocar na nova lista
var meuCheckbox = '<input type="checkbox" value="'+$opcaoSelecionada.val()+'">';
// adicionar o checkbox ao div com id="meuDiv"
You would have to put this code inside the anonymous function that is as parameter of function .change
that I wrote above.
Opa @Erik, I really do not know develop something with Jquery, I just took a few examples ready and took advantage of some codes. Would there be an example of on the same page I select the items (independent of select/list or other source) and go creating the list of choices below? The problem for me is in creating this part on the same page, keep the data and allow to choose them by checkbox and send (by email or bank). Thank you!
– Eduardo Correia