Fill Second Input automatically when First


Viewed 4,080 times


I have a input I’m going to name input-1, and there I will insert this: 12:00

Having a second input I’m going to name input-2, is possible when inserting into input-1: 12:00

He in the input-2 can automatically fill in the time I put in input-1 but with two more hours.


Coloco 10:00 in the input-1 and in the input-2 turn up: 12:00.

It is possible to do this?

2 answers


You could create a function to get the value of the first input and define a second variable to add, in your case, the value of 2. So it will take the value, and add with the number defined in the variable.

function calc()
  var a = "2";
  var b = valor.value;

  total.value = parseFloat(a) + parseFloat(b) + ':00';
Valor: <input type="time" id="valor" onkeypress="calc()"><br/><br/>
Total: <input type="time" id="total">

In this case I put the :00 only to follow your example, but it is irrelevant if you do not need to use the same.

  • 1

    Dude. What a basic scene and I p'rali with match to the side. Bravo :)

  • How do I put a zero before, from 1 am to 9 am?

  • 1

    +1 btw, the input Value is type="teStbox" and it’s still working. So it should also work with type="text" (which it picks up by default) just right? Do you know if it is possible to use the same example for type="time" (with those dual time boxes, HTML5), or only if the input is text? Anyway thanks, it’ll be useful to me.

  • 1

    @gustavox works with type="text" and type="time". It takes the input value, regardless of type. I edited the answer with an example of time.

  • 1

    Very good, will be very useful, thanks!



You should add a Event Listener in the input-1 of types

  • Keydown (when the key is pressed but not released) or,
  • Keyup (when the key is released) or,
  • Keypress (when key is pressed)
  • or Blur (when exiting the input)

And make this trigger a function that handles the data from input-1 and insert them into input-2.

Taking the example of the following code:

Javascript with Jquery to make it easy to view Binding of the event:

$(document).ready( function(){
    $('#input-1').keyup(function (e) {
        var patt = /([0-9]{1,2}:[0-9]{2})/;
        // Testando se o valor digitado já é algo como nn:nn
        if (patt.test( {
            var strsplit =':');
            var hora = Number(strsplit[0]) + 2;
            var min = (strsplit[1]);
            var stringfinal = '';
            // ex. se hora = 24 então vira 00, se hora = 25 então vira 01;
            if (hora > 23) {
                hora = hora - 24;
            if (hora < 10) {
                stringfinal += '0' + hora;
            } else {
                stringfinal += hora;
            stringfinal += ':' + min;
        } else {
            // Faz nada...   
<script src=""></script>
<input id="input-1" type="text">
<input id="input-2" type="text">

This should give the planned effect, the function I did was very basic and can be greatly improved, is more a proof of concept.

Events can be measured even without jQuery. More information can be found at Input on the MDN and Keyupevent at MDN

I hope this answers your question.

  • Thank you ! This is exactly what I wanted, thank you very much !

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