Position dynamically created table with DIV


Viewed 85 times


I created a table dynamically. I want to create dynamically Divs, so I can position each of the circles and captions.

example: http://jsfiddle.net/tttxfvcu/17/

  • Why don’t you create two Ivs? In one, you put the chart and in the other, the caption, it’s easier to handle the positions with CSS. Is some particularity of this raphael.js create everything in a div?

  • You can separate it into several Ivs. You have to create it dynamically, each time you call a function.

  • How can I create the div for this example?

  • There are several ways, I particularly prefer to opt for the use of Flexbox not to worry too much about positioning. It would look like this: Fiddle, I’d even create an answer but I don’t know how this one works raphael.js.

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