Difference between WADL and WSDL


Viewed 4,304 times


Simply put, what is the difference between the WSDL and WADL specifications, as far as they are concerned:

  • Access Method
  • Limitations

I still don’t understand when I should use one or the other.

1 answer


They are used for different service implementations:

Generally speaking, frameworks for defining SOAP services are more powerful (and more complicated) than those used for HTTP services. If you already have a service and just want to describe it, you should use the appropriate description language (WSDL or WADL). If the service will still be developed depending on the requirements you will choose one model or the other.

YMMV, but in recent years the trend has been to implement more pure HTTP services (mainly because they are easier to access from mobile devices) than SOAP services, but like almost everything else in life, the right answer depends on your situation.

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