Find files containing string and rename


Viewed 586 times


To locate files whose name contains a particular string, we can resort to find as follows:

File example:,S=17846:2,

Command to locate by

find . -type f -name "**"

And this will return only the files that contain the string nominee.


How to rename returned files by replacing the key portion to another value?,S=17846:2,

Passes to:,S=17846:2,

  • If you are writing a bash script you can put the name of the files in a variable and then use sed to change the filename using regular expressions. And then vc uses mv fich_orig fich_dest.

  • It is possible to use the find with the option exec, which runs a command with each result returned by find. See

3 answers


If you have or can install the program rename and if all files are in the same directory:

rename 's/' *
  • Cool +1 (Name is actually part of my survival kit :)


The @Clayton Stanley solution can be composed with the find of the OP for situations where the files are in subdirectories:

find -type f -name "**" \
             -exec rename 's/' {} \;

(sometimes the fantastic Rename command (written by Larry Wall!) is available with the first name)


Here is a possible solution using bash script.

script sh.


# Cria um arquivo texto com a lista de todos os resultados do find
# Cada linha eh um arquivo encontrado
find . -type f -name "**" > lista.txt

# For-loop dentro do arquivo
while read p; do
    # O nome do arquivo origem eh a linha p
    echo $ORIG

    # O nome do arquivo destino eh a linha p substituindo a URL
    DEST="$(echo $ORIG | sed s/"
    echo $DEST

    # Copia o arquivo ORIG para DEST
    cp $ORIG $DEST
    # Altere cp para mv se voce tiver certeza que funciona
done <lista.txt

# Remove o arquivo lista.txt
rm lista.txt

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