Using Jquery Library with Angularamd


Viewed 217 times


I am implementing Angularjs + Requirejs through Angularamd.

I want to add the Jquery library but returns the following error when using the "$":

Error: $ is not defined

I have the main.js configured as follows:

    baseUrl: "js/",

    // alias libraries paths
    paths: {
        'angular': 'libs/angular.min',
        'angular-route': 'libs/angular-route.min',
        'angular-ui-router': 'libs/angular-ui-router.min',
        'angularAMD': 'libs/angularAMD',
        'jquery': '//',
        'jquery-migrate': '//'

    // Add angular modules that does not support AMD out of the box, put it in a shim
    shim: {
        'angular-route': [ 'angular' ],
        'angularAMD': [ 'angular' ],
        'angular-ui-router': [ 'angular' ]

    // kick start application
    deps: ['app']

What is wrong?

  • 1

    Loading jquery before angular changes something?

  • Otherwise, try to copy the jquery library to a folder RAIZ_DO_PROJETO/js/lib/jquery-1.11.2.js and exchange the conf for jquery: 'jquery-1.9.0'

  • @Gabrieloshiro already made these 2 modifications but still gives the same error. Just declare in require.config, right?

  • Ah, it is possible for Require.js to load "too fast" scripts, that is, before the DOM has been loaded. Take a look here. They propose the use of domReady. Warns if it works.

  • @Gabrieloshiro but the problem is not recognizing elements in the DOM, nor even recognizes the jquery. I did a test using setTimeout but returned the same error.

  • Philip what @Gabrieloshiro means that the moment you call the $(...), jquery has not yet been loaded, this is just an assumption

  • @Guilhermenascimento then, I understood. What I did was insert the "$(...)" inside a setTimeout and returned the same error, so it is not a loading problem, right?

  • As I said it was just an assumption and not an affirmation, just testing, you tried to change '//', for '',?

  • @Guilhermenascimento yes I understand that it was just an assumption and I appreciate your time. I considered the hypothesis, so much so that I modified the code to test :)

  • @Guilhermenascimento discovered the problem, I have a ". js" at the end more, note that the others do not have, no need to insert the ". js" in the path.

  • @Gabrieloshiro discovered the problem, I have a ". js" at the end more, note that the others do not have, no need to insert the ". js" in the path.

  • @Guilhermenascimento I have more things, I created a "common.js" (intermediate between the main.js where I have require.config and the app.js where I have the settings of Angularjs) and inside I put a define with the dependencies: define(['angularAMD','jquery','jquery-migrate','angular','angular-ui-router'], Function... Recalling that I am implementing Requirejs with Angularamd:

  • But jQuery has now loaded?

  • @Guilhermenascimento yes, loaded jquery without problems.

  • You can answer your own question :) Did you know? Click the answer button. If you have more questions during project creation you can create new questions.

  • @Guilhermenascimento yes, I will answer the question :)

  • Take a look at the jQuery.noConflict()

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2 answers


Try to put the jquery in the shim thus:

shim: {
    "jquery": {
      exports: "jquery"


use angular.element instead of $

angular.element serves as an alias for the jQuery function if it is loaded.

If it is not loaded it will use the jQlite that comes coupled at the angle.


You can read a little more about the documentation in the link below:

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