Get Post Data in ASP.Net MVC


Viewed 1,994 times


I’m using MVC in my application and in Views I am using several tools from Telerik.

I need to get some information from a POST that I give in mine View.

Segue View:

<div class="div-grid">
@using (Html.BeginForm("ExecutaExportacao", "ExportacaoFinal"))
          .Columns(columns =>
                       <input name="checkedCli" type="checkbox" value="@item.Row.ItemArray[1].ToString()" title="checkedCli" />
                  </text>).Title("").Width(10).HtmlAttributes(new { style = "text-align:center" });
              columns.Bound(o => o.Row.ItemArray[0]).Width(100).Title("ANO MES");
              columns.Bound(o => o.Row.ItemArray[1]).Width(100).Title("ID_CLI");
              columns.Bound(o => o.Row.ItemArray[2]).Width(100).Title("VALOR");
    <input type="submit" value="Exportar Arquivo"/>

Segue Controller:

public ActionResult ExecutaExportacao(int[] checkedCli)

    return RedirectToAction("Index");

With this code I get the values of the array checkedCli, but would also like to get the column values MONTH YEAR Grid. I particularly can’t explain why it works to obtain data from checkedCli, I suppose it’s the attribute name which refers to the POST, indicating that it is the value of the parameter checkedCli controller’s.

How do I also get the column values MONTH YEAR ?

  • That instruction: columns.Bound(o => o.Row.ItemArray[0]).Width(100).Title("ANO MES"); generates a form field?

  • You could add to the question which HTML is generated by the component you are using?

2 answers


You need to create fields input type="hidden" with the values you want them to be passed via POST, and create a parameter with the same name in the action name of this input:

      .Columns(columns =>
                   <input name="checkedCli" type="checkbox" value="@item.Row.ItemArray[1].ToString()" title="checkedCli" />
              </text>).Title("").Width(10).HtmlAttributes(new { style = "text-align:center" });
                   <input name="anoMes" type="hidden" value="@item.Row.ItemArray[0].ToString()" title="ANO MES" />
              </text>).Width(100).Title("ANO MES");
          columns.Bound(o => o.Row.ItemArray[1]).Width(100).Title("ID_CLI");
          columns.Bound(o => o.Row.ItemArray[2]).Width(100).Title("VALOR");


public ActionResult ExecutaExportacao(int[] checkedCli, string[] anoMes)

    return RedirectToAction("Index");


Just create an object(template) containing the properties with the same view name, as in your example this object will have a property called checkedCli

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