Generic, extend to an X or Y


Viewed 72 times


How do I get my generic class to only receive guys who extend X or Y?


class MinhaClasseGenerica<T extends ClasseX ou ClasseY>

Sorry if you got a little confused, I’m new yet, I can’t explain very well.

  • What kind of things are there in classes X and Y?

2 answers


Take a look here.

Java does not allow multiple inheritance. A class cannot extend two classes. You can extend one class and multiple interfaces. For example:

public class GenericsTest {

    class Vehicle { }

    interface PassengerVehicle { }
    interface MotorVehicle { }

    // Classe genérica que compila sem problemas
    class ParkingGarage<X extends Vehicle & MotorVehicle & PassengerVehicle>{}

    // Vamos criar uma segunda classe
    class Vehicle2 { }
    // Não compila porque X não pode estender duas classes ao mesmo tempo
    class ParkingGarage2<X extends Vehicle & Vehicle2 >{}

The solution to your problem may be to create a mother class of which your two classes are daughters. You can have a mother class with multiple daughters but not a daughter class with multiple mothers.

  • This does not answer the question. The question was about how to restrict the classes accepted in the template, not about multiple inheritance.

  • 1

    "Java does not admit multiple inheritance, a class cannot andstender two classes" is an answer.

  • @corrected nan ;-)

  • Exactly what @Viníciusgobboa.deOliveira said...


That’s not possible, and it doesn’t make sense.

The reason is the way the MinhaClasseGenerica would be used. In this class, the T could appear as a return type of a method, a parameter, or the type of a field.

Suppose it appears as the return of a method:

public T metodoQualquer() {
    // ...
    return algumObjeto;

And I want to use this method:

public void outroMetodo() {
    T algumObjeto = metodoQualquer();
    // Aqui invoca algum método sobre T.

What are the methods that type T has? The answer is that it maybe may possess the methods of X and maybe may possess the methods of Y. But the only methods we know for sure that he possesses will be those who are both in X how much in Y.

Now, in this case the methods that are in X but not in Y or who are in Y but not in X, cannot be used without a cast, and the compiler would be right in issuing a build error if you did this:

public void outroMetodo() {
    T algumObjeto = metodoQualquer();

After all, this method may not exist in the given case reference algumObjeto be a Y instead of a X. It would force you to wear one cast, but if you are forced to use Casts, so there’s no point in using the generic type.

Maybe what you want is that T has the methods of X and of Y rather than the methods of X or of Y. In this case you can declare the following:

class MinhaClasseGenerica<T extends X & Y>

On the other hand, maybe X and Y have something in common. In this case the ideal would be to do the following:

interface Z {
    // Aqui vai o que há de comum entre X e Y.

interface X extends Z {
    // Aqui vai o que há em X, mas não em Y.

interface Y extends Z {
    // Aqui vai o que há em Y, mas não em X.

class MinhaClasseGenerica<T extends Z> {
    // ...

That would solve your problem. It would still allow me to invent a W which also inherits from Z and it’s not even X and neither Y, but this is inherent in language: inheritance is open. There is no closed inheritance in Java. In fact, the fact that there is no closed inheritance in Java allows me to do this:

// Isso não é Exception e nem Error, mas eu posso dar throw nele!
class WTF extends Throwable {}

If what you want is something closed, the way maybe is to work with enums.

Finally, it is always worth remembering that java does not have multiple class inheritance, and therefore a <T extends X & Y> where both X and Y are classes is prohibited by language. At least one of the two must be an interface.

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