Get Formcollection in Page Navigation


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In an ASP.NET C# MVC4 system I have some screens where I show some data. These screens have Filters and navigation (maximum limit of 10 data per page). I would like to know how I can record Formcollection in some way so that it passes in pagination. An example of my control:

public ActionResult Orcamentos(int? page)


public ActionResult Orcamentos(int? page, FormCollection form)


Within these methods I already do everything right, working properly and showing in the View correctly. Now in the View that is the problem, in the navigation of the pages I can pass the Form so that it enters the method with Form.

In View, the Pagination part is like this:

@Html.PagedListPager(Model, (page) => Url.Action("Index", new { page = page, form = @ViewBag.filtro }), PagedListRenderOptions.Classic )

So where ta @Viewbag.filter I would have to find a way to pass the Formcollection (I pasted the Viewbag just by example, because it cannot store the form)

  • page usually comes from a GET. FormCollection usually comes from a POST. What is the purpose of this implementation?

  • When displays the data in the View, and it is paged, when I click on a page number there, for example 3, I send page=3 and also need to send the Form because I made a Filter. The pagination code would be this: (where I put Viewbag.Filter I would have to pass a Formcollection @Html.Pagedlistpager(Model, (page) => Url.Action("Index", new { page = page, form = @Viewbag.filter }), Pagedlistrenderoptions.Classic )

  • 1

    It’s wrong. If you want to set a filter, it has to be by GET also, and not using FormCollection. Either you use named parameters or you use FormCollection. The two of them together don’t make it. If I were you, I’d use one Viewmodel defining not only the filter, but the page in question.

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