Unknown cause error: "Syntaxerror: invalid range in Character class"


Viewed 331 times



I have a page that contains a <iframe> another, on this other page, I have a simple HTML element input:

<input type="text" required="" pattern="[a-Z]{2,35}" tabindex="6" name="edtCidade" id="edtCidade">

I am sure and have made sure that there is no event assigned to it or code changing its properties.

However, every time I type, any key, can be number, can be letter, anything, every time I type generates this error in the console:

Syntaxerror: invalid range in Character class


If I type "az123" I will have 5 errors SyntaxError in my browser console.


This mistake does not cause me any problem, it is insignificant but it is bothering me, and I would like to know the origin of it.


How to resolve this error? Why is it occasioned? I would like a detailed explanation.

3 answers


The error is associated with regular expressions, being caused by the range a-Z (a lowercase and Z uppercase) in the attribute pattern.

Like the attribute pattern is an element of input included in the HTML5, the expression will be executed even without any plugin or additional event.

To accept uppercase and lowercase letters, use [a-zA-Z], because there seems to be no way to make the pattern case insensitive.

Note: in Chrome does not occur this exception, it just ignores the validation. I imagine, then, that you are using Firefox. :)

Demo at Jsfiddle


Regular expression lists are based on the ASCII table (http://www.asciitable.com/). According to this table, a is character number 97 and Z is the character number 90 - because of this, it makes no sense for you to write a list that says "here are valid all characters between 97 and 90" (the first number must be less than the second).

The common thing is to do [a-zA-Z0-9_]+ or, simply, \w+. To validate only numbers use [0-9]+, or \d+.

  • Just to complement the \w magpie [a-zA-Z0-9_]

  • It’s true, I’ve corrected it. Thank you!

  • The correct standard to be used in place of the [a-Z]{2,35} invalid would be [A-z]{2,35} corresponding, in table ASCII, to the interval 65 to 122. However, as Master Aurelius said: Não use o intervalo A-z, prefira A-Za-z, this because this range covers six other characters, namely: [ ] _ ` which without due caution may be a problem for the Application.


Is a regular expression error.

[a-Z]{2,35} não é vlálido  
Use [a-zA-Z]{2,35}

Try to use

<input type="text" required="" pattern="[a-zA-Z]{2,35}" tabindex="6" name="edtCidade" id="edtCidade">

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