I have the following situation. The google map and above the map I added an image. The problem is that when I add an event on the map, this event does not work from the image.. and vice versa.
google.maps.event.addListener(historicalOverlay, "click", function(event) {
How do I add this event across the map.
But it has a detail, it’s a """plugin""", so I’m afraid to make changes: http://www.the-di-lab.com/polygon/
Is it possible, I add the image behind the MAP, and give an opacity on the map... So the map would be in front, and the click would work... or else, merge everything, the image and the map being one.
Thanks for the help, but I found it more interesting to use this: https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/examples/drawing-tools
– abcd