jQuery multiline highcharts


Viewed 1,069 times


I have an MVC application and would like to clarify some questions on how to implement a chart with database data. I am using jQuery to get the values from the database, but did not understand how to take these values and generate a chart using Highcharts, I read a lot on the internet, but it was not clear how to get and put the values on the x and y axis.

For the values of X and Y axes, I am using the following:

Dictionary <decimal, decimal> dataResult = new Dictionary <decimal, decimal> ();

To query the database and assemble the following:

foreach (var item in query) 
     dataResult.Add (Convert.ToDecimal (item.valorinicial), Convert.ToDecimal (item.preco)); 


To pass the value:

return Json (dataResult, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);

To generate the Chart, I switched to:

var options = {
                chart: {
                    renderTo: "container",
                series: [{}]

        $.getJSON("/GraficosLev/GetDadosByGraf", { ...parametros passados.... },
            function (data) {
                var chart = new Highcharts.Chart({
                    chart: {
                        renderTo: 'container',
                        ignoreHiddenSeries: false

                    xAxis: {

                    series: data

For the search of the data:

Dictionary<decimal, decimal> dataResult = new Dictionary<decimal, decimal>();

        public object GetValuesByGraf(int? idRod, int? idLev, string codLev, string kmIni, string kmFim)
            string tpLev = (from l in db.TIPO_LEVA where l.id == idLev select l.tipo_levantamento).FirstOrDefault();
            //Conta o numero de datas Selecionadas
            string[] codLevant = codLev.Split(',');

            foreach (string i in codLevant)
                //pega os valores do id do codigo de levantmanto para pegar os levantamentos
                int idCodLev = (from l in db.LEV1
                               where l.cod_levantamento == i
                               select l.id).FirstOrDefault();

                if (tpLev =="I")
                    var query = (from iri in db.IRR10
                                      where iri.cod_levantamento_id == idCodLev
                                      select iri);

                    foreach (var item in query)
                        dataResult.Add(Convert.ToDecimal(item.inicial), Convert.ToDecimal(item.iri));


            return dataResult;
  • Could you be more specific? You want to understand how to use hightcharts or you want to fix something specific in your code?

  • Dude, I think it would be so much easier for you to look at the demo and do it the same: http://www.highcharts.com/demo/

  • I would like to know how to use hightcharts to generate the chart, but it seems that I am calling the chart before the function get the data.

  • no, he’s just assembling the chart options before the call and after it and adds the series and so yes calls the chart

3 answers


would not be "date" instead of "y"

 name: val.key,
 data: val.Value
  • 1

    It’s really gonna make a big difference

  • Didn’t generate the chart even with this change.


Observing the responses and comments I noticed that in setting the renderTo is for the container. This really is the id of the element to be Chart?

You can also set your Chart using :


Use ($('#container')) or go straight to (renderTo: 'container') do the same effect, so just use one of the options and check if the id of the element matches what is in the renderTo.

Your code could look like this:

$(document).ready(function () {
    $("#Submit").click(function (evt) {
     //Algumas Variaveis

        jQuery.get("/ChartLev/GetByGraf", { ...passo os parametros....} }, function (values) {
            $.each(values, function (key, val) {
                    name: val.key,
                    data: val.Value
        var options = {
            chart: {
                backgroundColor: '#ffffff',
                borderColor: '#a2a2a1',
                borderWidth: 0,
                borderRadius: 0,
                type: 'area',
                plotBackgroundColor: '#fffdf6'
            colors: ['#3399FF'],
            legend: {
                enabled: false

            title: {
                text: 'Graf'
            tooltip: {
                borderRadius: 0,
                borderWidth: 0,
                shadow: false,
                style: {
                    fontSize: '7pt',
                    color: '#000000'
                formatter: function() {
                    return this.value
            xAxis: {

                labels: {
                    rotation: -45,
                    x: 0,
                    y: 40,
                    style: {
                        color: '#333333'
                lineWidth: 1,
                lineColor: '#333333',
                minPadding: 0,
                maxPadding: 0,
                title: {
                    text: ''
                tickInterval: 2,
                tickmarkPlacement: 'on'
            yAxis: {
                gridLineWidth: 0,
                labels: {
                    formatter: function() {
                        return this.value},
                    style: {
                        color: '#333333'
                lineWidth: 1,
                lineColor: '#333333',
                min: 0,
                minPadding: 0,
                maxPadding: 0,
                title: {
                    text: ''
            series: data

And in your html:

<div id="container"></div>
  • I would have some example to show ?

  • I’ll edit and put how your code could look

  • Thanks for the help, I’m not able to generate this graphic...

  • Are you giving any error? if yes could paste here for us the error? In case you could not paste here the return that your ajax is generating?

  • Not generating error, just does not appear the line of the graph. Then I do the normal query in the database and it returns the values of two columns. "14,2,5" "14.5,5" , and so on.

  • has how to paste the exact [tag:json] that your ajax generates? Give a look at the browser request and paste the answer the [tag:ajax] so you can see.

  • I will add in the question.

  • I just edited my series look if it modifies what you have. Your series has to be exactly like this [{&#xA; name: 'Tokyo',&#xA; data: [7.0, 6.9, 9.5, 14.5, 18.2, 21.5, 25.2, 26.5, 23.3, 18.3, 13.9, 9.6]&#xA;}, {&#xA; name: 'New York',&#xA; data: [-0.2, 0.8, 5.7, 11.3, 17.0, 22.0, 24.8, 24.1, 20.1, 14.1, 8.6, 2.5]&#xA;}, {&#xA; name: 'Berlin',&#xA; data: [-0.9, 0.6, 3.5, 8.4, 13.5, 17.0, 18.6, 17.9, 14.3, 9.0, 3.9, 1.0]&#xA;}, {&#xA; name: 'London',&#xA; data: [3.9, 4.2, 5.7, 8.5, 11.9, 15.2, 17.0, 16.6, 14.2, 10.3, 6.6, 4.8]&#xA;}]

  • I just put the code. But he doesn’t think it generates this way.

  • I understood the problem, but how do I format this way after taking the data in the database ? It would have to be like this [{name: 'data1', date:[[1,2.5],[2,2.6]]}]

  • Take a look here you need to return your data in this format

  • @rysahara this is the [tag:json] here or here to take classes at [tag:Asp.net] to work with [tag:json] if you want other references look at http://www.json.org/

  • Thank you very much for the links, I will study them to see how to implement in the correct way.

  • For nothing if you can give an upvote on the answer and if after studying she has solved your problem, mark as solved, I will thank you very much. :D

  • You can leave.....

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In your case (starting value and price), the chart could be mounted using this example.

Using this Nuget package.


public ActionResult BasicBar()
    Highcharts chart = new Highcharts("chart")
        .InitChart(new Chart { DefaultSeriesType = ChartTypes.Bar })
        .SetTitle(new Title { Text = "Historic World Population by Region" })
        .SetSubtitle(new Subtitle { Text = "Source: Wikipedia.org" })
        .SetXAxis(new XAxis
                Categories = new[] { "Africa", "America", "Asia", "Europe", "Oceania" },
                Title = new XAxisTitle { Text = string.Empty }
        .SetYAxis(new YAxis
                Min = 0,
                Title = new YAxisTitle
                    Text = "Population (millions)",
                    Align = AxisTitleAligns.High
        .SetTooltip(new Tooltip { Formatter = "function() { return ''+ this.series.name +': '+ this.y +' millions'; }" })
        .SetPlotOptions(new PlotOptions
            Bar = new PlotOptionsBar
                DataLabels = new PlotOptionsBarDataLabels { Enabled = true }
        .SetLegend(new Legend
            Layout = Layouts.Vertical,
            Align = HorizontalAligns.Right,
            VerticalAlign = VerticalAligns.Top,
            X = -100,
            Y = 100,
            Floating = true,
            BorderWidth = 1,
            BackgroundColor = new BackColorOrGradient(ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#FFFFFF")),
            Shadow = true
        .SetCredits(new Credits { Enabled = false })
            new Series { Name = "Year 1800", Data = new Data(new object[] { 107, 31, 635, 203, 2 }) },
            new Series { Name = "Year 1900", Data = new Data(new object[] { 133, 156, 947, 408, 6 }) },
            new Series { Name = "Year 2008", Data = new Data(new object[] { 973, 914, 4054, 732, 34 }) }

        return View(chart);


@model DotNet.Highcharts.Highcharts

    ViewBag.Title = "Meu gráfico";

<h2>Meu gráfico</h2>


Have more examples in this file.

There’s one more package at the Nuget, the Highcharts.net , but this did not find examples of use, although it is done by a Brazilian and has positive comments on the project page: http://highcharts.codeplex.com/. I think it would be the case to test case by case.

  • But I am passing the values via jquery. I read this example, but am having trouble passing the values to the series, to generate the chart.

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