What is the function of the Deploy option in Visual Studio?


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Community, when I went to compile a project I received the message that should mark the option Deploy. Hence a doubt arose, I would like an explanation (the more detailed the better :) on the option Deploy (Project-Properties) of Visual Studio.

Right here on the Stov I found:

Deployment or Deployment consists of a number of activities necessary to obtain a program available for use outside a development environment (for example, on websites, Pcs, smartphones and/or tablets).

But it did not fully clarify my doubt.

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1 answer


It is common in a Solution to have several projects. Some of these projects we would not like to be on the application deploy.

Example of such a project? One that contains only unit tests. A project like this within Solution should not enter the application deploy. Therefore, it should not be marked to deploy in this configuration dialog.

  • I liked the answer, if possible try to add more details as, for example, what happens if you check the Deploy option without need? Is the build longer? Can you make it harder to debug the project? etc...

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