Doubt Insert Image with Jquery?


Viewed 1,029 times



Following the posted examples, I made the adjustments:

        public ActionResult ThumbNail(int largura, int altura, string caminhofoto)
        if (caminhofoto != "caminho" )
            WebImage webImagem = new WebImage(@caminhofoto).Resize(largura, altura, false, false);
            return File(webImagem.GetBytes(), @caminhofoto);
        return View();

This Actionresult above needs to receive Jquery:

<script >

    function BuscarCaminho()
        //Pega o elemento 'select'
        var select = document.getElementById("selecao");
        //Altera o valor do atributo 'src' da imagem para carregar a imagem selecionada
        if (select != "") {
            document.getElementById('caminho').src = select.value;
          //  alert(select.value);

This is the Altered Jquery, I’m passing the photo path:

        <div >
        <img id="foto" src="@Url.Action("Thumbnail", "ConsultaCliente", new {caminhofoto = "caminho", largura = 100, altura = 100 })" alt="thumbnail" />

        <div id="selecao" onchange="BuscarCaminho()" >
            @Html.DropDownList("idFoto", String.Empty)

At this point, for each selected photo I want to send the image to be viewed on the screen. thanks

  • I don’t quite understand what you really want to do.

  • the onchange is in a div, and should be in the select. Maybe in that case it would be better to use html even instead of the syntax razor.

  • Take a look at my answer. If you do not satisfy your need comment that I will modify to try to fit better in what you want to do. for now with your question was what to do according to what I understood.

1 answer


Try to change your javascript for something like:

    function BuscarCaminho()
        //Pega o elemento 'select'
        var select = document.getElementById("selecao");
        //Altera o valor do atributo 'src' da imagem para carregar a imagem selecionada
        document.getElementById('foto').src = select.value;

And his HTML for something like this:

    <select id="selecao" onchange="BuscarCaminho()">
        <option value="caminho_da_foto1">nome_da_foto1</option>
        <option value="caminho_da_foto2">nome_da_foto2</option>
        <option value="caminho_da_foto3">nome_da_foto3</option>
    <img id="foto" src="@Url.Action("Thumbnail", "ConsultaCliente", new {caminhofoto = teste, largura = 100, altura = 100 })" alt="thumbnail" />
  • Friend, thank you, but the path of the photo comes from : <div id="selects" onchange="Searchpath()"> @Html.Dropdownlist("idFoto", String.Empty) </div>

  • I need to pass like this: <div > <img id="photo" src="@Url.Action("Thumbnail", "Client query", new {camiofoto = camioaqui, width = 100, height = 100 })" alt="thumbnail" /> </div>

  • the problem is that the div will not launch the onchange by changing the select. Explain a little better why you "have" to do so.

  • I changed the question, adjusting the code according to what you sent me, see if you can help.

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