What’s a POC in C#?


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I received a request to make a POC email, but before doing so I would like to know what a POC in C#.

If there is content on the internet for the same.

P.S.: I don’t want the solution, I just want to know what it is to research.

  • 4

    It may be that you have been asked for a "POG" and there may have been confusion in writing or understanding because the pronunciation is similar. POG is very popular as well and means "Gambiarra Oriented Programming", which is when any solution, as long as it is delivered fast and works once, serves. Remembering that POG is not a recognized paradigm in the professional sphere, so to speak :D Suggestion: ask who wrote the acronym - no professional is required to know or memorize any acronym previously.

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1 answer


I can’t be sure without knowing the context, but I don’t think it’s anything specific to C#. I imagine it’s Proof of Concept, In other words, you’ve been asked to do something practical to show that it’s possible to realize a theory. It may be that they asked to do something simple, that has basic functioning and that does not need to be ready for use in production. Can be considered a prototype for future development or to better assess the strategy to be adopted.

The term may be mistakenly employed to request a proof of knowledge rather than proof of concept. May have asked to show if you know how to make a software that runs a certain task.

Note that it may not be any of this, it is difficult to talk about the acronym that someone used and that is not often employed. And I still assume she’s right.

If it is C# it would be POCO (Plain Old C# Object) which is an object that has only its domain and has no extra mechanisms like database manipulation for example.

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