Error in calculation of execution


Viewed 167 times


I have the following question.

I have these following times obtained through the Stopwatch, where it was placed within a method to return the employee’s hours bank balance. Only that he is showing me a totally contradictory time with what was calculated by Stopwatch.

Within the method was divided into 7 parts to see where would be the reason to take so long.

Data that was returned from the time bank by the method: -82:52:24;

1 - Time to catch 1st time: 00:00:00.0137141;
2 - Balance calculation time: 00:00:00.0153916;
3 - Time to pick up all appointments: 00:00:00.0008668;
4 - Time to format date/time:00:00:00.0013553;
5 - Time to set Information:00:00:00.0015071;
6 - Time to feed balance:00:00:00.0005936;
7 - Time to put everything together and show the result: 00:00:00.0000051;
8 - Total Method Time:00:00:17.3199664

I would like to know how it is possible for the result of 1 to 7 to take those 17 sec that was informed by calculating the sum of all times.


private string CalculaSaldo(FUNCIONARIOS funcionario, DateTime ultimoDia, TimeSpan cargaHoraria, TimeSpan tempoAlmoco, int diaTrabalho)
  #region 1
      //CÓDIGO ...

  #region 2
     //CÓDIGO ...

  #region 3
     //CÓDIGO ...

   #region 4
     //CÓDIGO ...

   #region 5
     //CÓDIGO ...

   #region 6
     //CÓDIGO ...

   #region 7
     //CÓDIGO ...

   long total = Stopwatch1.ElapsedMilliseconds + Stopwatch2.ElapsedMilliseconds + Stopwatch3.ElapsedMilliseconds + Stopwatch4.ElapsedMilliseconds +
            Stopwatch5.ElapsedMilliseconds + Stopwatch6.ElapsedMilliseconds + Stopwatch7.ElapsedMilliseconds;
   return result + ";tempo total: " + TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(total).ToString();

All points the method has been separated with a Stopwatch.


  • 2

    Please post an example of the code you are using to perform the calculation.

  • The variable that stores the total time may' not be 00:00:00 at the beginning, but as reported by @Renan, without code is not easy

  • This happens the first time this method is accessed. It is only incited within the method. And it is giving an absurd result.

  • What is the value of the variable long total at the end of your code?

  • Actually... the return wasn’t 17 milliseconds?

  • I tested this code in a console application and it works well, try to debug and see what times Stopwatch’s have even before returning the result.

  • Long’s current return gave 17059

  • And what are the individual Elapsedmilliseconds of each?

  • It is in the above code I passed. 1 - 0137141; 2 - 0153916; 3 - 0008668; 4 - 0013553; 5 - 0015071; 6 - 0005936; 7 - 0000051;

  • @Rsouza, your question is still confused. Times 1 to 7 were also obtained from Timespan.Frommilliseconds(Stopwatch#.Elapsedmilliseconds)? What is the relevance of the function’s actual result to your question?

  • @korbes The results were obtained through the code I placed. The Timespan.Frommilliseconds(Stopwatch#.Elapsedmilliseconds) is to add the long result.

  • Each StopWatch is a separate instance even? No two or more pointing to the same object No? Puts the code that creates them.

  • @Rsouza, put all the code of the function, just taking out the parts of your hours bank calculation.

  • The problem would be in the sum msm of the value, the code in this case is not necessary because I have the time each one takes to be executed. Where there is "//CODE" that is the code of my method, and it is between your time meter that when added it generates a contradictory value. I’ll try to solve it another way if there’s no other way.

  • @Rsouza, so Stopwatch# are members of the class? There may be competition in the method call?

  • I didn’t understand what "Data that was returned from the database by the method" means: where does this value come from? a negative value is correct?

  • Another thing (in relation to your comment in response to Joao): you are sure that these individual values of ElapsedMilliseconds are correct? For example, 137141 milliseconds is 137.141 seconds (about 2 minutes and 17 seconds, or "00:02:17.1410000"). This is not the same thing as "00:00:00.0137141" (13.7141 milliseconds).

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2 answers


You are not resetting the Stopwatch just stopping and starting again and the last time will get the sum of all the others. Ex: the second will take the sum of the first and his own time

  • This happens the first time this method is accessed. It is only incited within the method. And it is giving an absurd result.


You can do it this way.

private string CalculaSaldo(FUNCIONARIOS funcionario, DateTime ultimoDia, TimeSpan cargaHoraria, TimeSpan tempoAlmoco, int diaTrabalho)
  #region 1
      //CÓDIGO ...

  #region 2
     //CÓDIGO ...

  #region 3
     //CÓDIGO ...

   #region 4
     //CÓDIGO ...

   #region 5
     //CÓDIGO ...

   #region 6
     //CÓDIGO ...

   #region 7
     //CÓDIGO ...

   long total = StopwatchTOTAL.ElapsedMilliseconds;
   return result + ";tempo total: " + TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(total).ToString();
  • I also tried this way Paul and gave the same thing ! o0' very strange this result.

  • I imagine, however negligible a difference it may be, StopwatchTOTAL will end up recording the time used by the Start/Stop functions of others.

  • Yes @Conrad, but that would be something derisory that wouldn’t even last 100 milliseconds.

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