Tool for mobile zoom


Viewed 599 times


I am developing a mobile application with Apache Cordova, I need a tool similar to Zoomify, but for mobile. I tried to use Zoomify, I did not get good results, which tool is the most suitable for this work? Is there any Google Maps API that does this job?

  • you want to zoom specifically into a map, or any part of your mobile app?

  • I’ll have images that zoom in on them, just like Google Maps

4 answers


See if that that one it’ll do. but it’s paid for. Example:

    width: <Enter Width>,
    height: <Enter Height>


  • As much as links help with the answer, it is recommended to post an example, because links may no longer be functional, by changing address or things like that.


In Jquery has the panzoom. Here has an example of how it works.

As described in Github:

Panzoom is a Progressive plugin to create panning and zooming Functionality for an element. Panzoom Supports the same browsers as jQuery 2.0 and can be used with jQuery 1.9.0+ or jQuery 2.0+. Rather than Setting width and height on an image tag, Panzoom uses CSS Transforms and Matrix functions to take Advantage of hardware/GPU Acceleration in the browser, which Means the element can be Anything: an image, a video, an iframe, a canvas, text, WHATEVER. And Although IE<=8 is not supported, this plugin is Future-Proof. [...]

Mobile support
Panzoom includes support for touch Gestures and Even Supports Pinch Gestures for zooming. It is Perfectly suited for Both mobile and desktop browsers. You’ll be amazed at how well this performs on your mobile device. iOS and Android are supported. Pointer (IE11+), touch, and mouse Events are supported.

The libraries:

<script src="//"></script>
<script src="/js/plugins/jquery.panzoom.js"></script>



// Pass options
  minScale: 0,
  $zoomRange: $("input[type='range']")

The repository link github.

  • This does not serve, it loses quality as the zoom.. Different from Zoomify

  • Have you tried this! jsPluginList/panAndZoomJQuery ?



I use the zoom on the entire page It’s a different idea try there:

I have it on a system and I needed to make some adjustments to run on all browsers, so if you use it yourself give a touch that I step the adjustments to make this compatibility.

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