Angularjs ng-repeat does not return data, always returns empty


Viewed 530 times


I have a query to an API that theoretically is returning the data, at least in the console shows me the same. But in the View with the ng-repeat is not bringing anything.

Below follows the code I’m using:


pcFactories.factory('TeacherSrv', function ($http) {
    return {
        getAllTeachers: function (TTBId) {
            $http.get('' + TTBId)
                .success(function (data) {
                    return data;
                .error(function (status) {
                    return status;


   pcControllers.controller('TeacherCtrl', function ($scope, TeacherSrv) {
        $scope.teachers = TeacherSrv.getAllTeachers(TTBId);


<tr ng-repeat="t in teachers" on-finish-render="ngRepeatFinished">
     <img src="Images/no-photo.png" alt="" />
     <a href="" class="user-link">{{t.TEAName}}</a>
     <span class="user-subhead">{{t.TEAEmail}}</span>

I hope you can help me.

  • The first thing that comes to mind is: What is the value of Ttbid?. The second is: Where Ttbid receives this amount?

  • Ttbid is 1. And for now it is being loaded from a $Scope variable in order to run tests for now.

2 answers


The problem is not in Angular, but in the way you handle the results returned by the API call.

The line return data; is returning data within the function performed by promise, and not by factory.

Changing the method getAllTeachers to return a promise, and manipulating the promise within your controller solves the problem.

pcFactories.factory('TeacherSrv', function ($http) {
    return {
        getAllTeachers: function (TTBId) {
            return $http.get('' + TTBId);

pcControllers.controller('TeacherCtrl', function ($scope, TeacherSrv) {
    $scope.teachers = null;
    TeacherSrv.getAllTeachers(TTBId).success(function (data) {
        $scope.teachers = data;
    .error(function (status) {
        $scope.teachers = status;

All this is due to the asynchronous behavior of Javascript, and the fact that you are not returning anything in the method getAllTeachers.

Note: You do not need to specify http:// in the URL in the method get of the service $http.

  • Valeu worked, but now I’m receiving a Warning as the message below: Synchronous Xmlhttprequest on the main thread is deprecated because of its detrimental effects to the end user’s Experience.

  • This isn’t the code I gave you. Some HTML or Javascript resulting from an Ajax you are running, runs new Ajax calls while it is loaded, which causes Warning. I even believe that this Warning may be originated in a call jQuery, where it is more traditional to be found. In any case, it is a different problem than the original question.


I believe what’s happening is that when the ng-repeat is executed the API data has not yet been returned. Thus Teachers still empty and ng-repeat will show nothing.

One way to solve this problem is as follows::

pcControllers.controller('TeacherCtrl', function ($scope, TeacherSrv) {
       $scope.teachers =;

What I changed up was the following:

  • TeacherSrv.getAllTeachers(TTBId) returns a $Promise, that when finished will update the value of $Scope.teachers. Thus Voce ensures that your ng-repeat will perform as expected as soon as the API data is returned.

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