What is required to create an authentication system (login/password/session) in PHP? What important points should I be concerned about?


Viewed 554 times


I want to create a website with my own authentication system, without using anything ready.

I would like to know what the stages are for the creation of such a system, in order.

If there is a convention of best practices and what points I can not forget to take into account when creating so that it is safe.

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    OK. I voted to close.

  • It excludes my answer. I couldn’t give a good answer, so I couldn’t give it. And now I also saw that it’s a possible duplicate.

1 answer


A command that is very important to use is the addslashes at the time of receiving the login data, because it prevents you from being a victim of sql inject because it puts a \ before each quotation so helping to protect you from sql inject for example:

$email = addslashes($_POST['email']);
$senha = addslashes($_POST['senha']);

detailed information addslashes

For example if you do not use addslashes the user can type in the password field and send you this ' or '1'='1 then when you do your query will look like this

SELECT email,senha FROM usuarios WHERE email='qualquer coisa' senha='' or '1'='1'

And so he was able to access your session, but with addslashes you’re safe while at it

Example using addslashes:

SELECT email,senha FROM usuarios WHERE email='qualquer coisa' senha='\' or \'1\'=\'1'

This will cause error in the query but it will not access your information

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