Pass Spring object to JSF


Viewed 124 times


Well, I have a class that is almost entirely populated with Facebook data, but two attributes are missing that have to be filled from data coming from a form.

Here is the form: central/cadastro.xhtml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html xmlns="" xmlns:h=""

    <h:graphicImage value="${}/picture" /> Olá, ${usuario.firstName} ${usuario.lastName}
    <h:form id="formCadastro" prependId="false"> 
        <h:panelGrid columns="2">

            Login: <h:inputText label="Login" value="#{usuarioFacebook.userid}" /> 
            Senha: <h:inputSecret label="Senha" value="#{usuarioFacebook.password}" />
            <h:commandButton value="Salvar" action="#{usuarioFacebookDAO.persist(usuario)}"/>

This form is displayed through the method ModelAndView of spring, passing an object of the type UsuarioFacebook by the name of usuario:

public ModelAndView logarComFacebook(String code) throws MalformedURLException, IOException{

  UsuarioFacebook userFB = loginFacebook.obterUsuarioFacebook(code);
    System.out.println("Buscando email " + userFB.getEmail() + " no banco...");
      UsuarioFacebook userFBDB = usuarioFacebookDAO.find(userFB.getId());
      if(userFBDB == null){
          System.out.println("Usuário " + userFB.getEmail() + " foi direcionado para cadastro.");

          ModelAndView mv = new ModelAndView("central/cadastro");
          mv.addObject("usuario", userFB);
          return mv;
        } else {
          System.out.println("Usuário " + userFB.getEmail() + " não é uma conta ativa.");
          ModelAndView mv = new ModelAndView("central/containvalida");
          return mv;
      } else {
        System.out.println("Usuário " + userFB.getEmail() + " foi encontrado!");
        ModelAndView mv = new ModelAndView("central/home");
        mv.addObject("usuario", userFBDB);
        return mv;

the return is a java.lang.NullPointerException for the commandButton does not pass the object usuario for the method persist(), why?

Both the UsuarioFacebookDAO as to the UsuarioFacebook are noted as ManagedBean.

  • Dude, in the login form, you already tried to use userFacebookDAO.persist(userFacebook) instead of userFacebookDAO.persist(user)?

  • If I persist the userFacebook the data will not be complete because userFacebook would be a JSF object. I solved the problem by leaving aside the use of JSF because it doesn’t go very well with Spring =)

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