Error Signing XML, URI Invalid VB.NET


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I have this code to sign an XML, because right now it asks for a URI, I know it’s a namespace that points to some site, but when I assign the URL, it gives an exception error.

' Cria a referencia
    Dim reference As New Reference()

' Pega a URI para ser assinada
    Dim _Uri As XmlAttributeCollection = docXML.GetElementsByTagName(uri).Item(0).Attributes

    For Each _atributo As XmlAttribute In _Uri
        If _atributo.Name = "id" Then
            reference.Uri = "#" + _atributo.InnerText
        End If

Next step to URI: And I use the Following XML :

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<ds:Signature xmlns:ds="">
   <ds:CanonicalizationMethod Algorithm=""/>
    <ds:SignatureMethod Algorithm=""/>
       <ds:Transform Algorithm=""/>
       <ds:Transform Algorithm=""/>
 <ds:DigestMethod Algorithm=""/>

1 answer


The method also accepts a tag of the kind string, I think the easiest way to locate uri to be signed (Id) is by name:

   Dim tagAss = "infNFe"
    Dim _Uri As XmlAttributeCollection = doc.GetElementsByTagName(tagAss).Item(0).Attributes
    For Each atributo As XmlAttribute In _Uri
        If atributo.Name = "Id" Then
            Referencia.Uri = "#" & atributo.InnerText
        End If

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