Do not write to the database and the console appears as recorded


Viewed 330 times


I have a form inside the modal to record registration, when I insert the data it is as if it were recorded in the Eclipse console, but the same does not happen in the database

Message on console as Ok from recording.

select as id1_0_,
    empresa0_.cnpj as cnpj2_0_,
    empresa0_.data_fundacao as data_fun3_0_,
    empresa0_.nome_fantasia as nome_fan4_0_,
    empresa0_.razao_social as razao_so5_0_,
    empresa0_.tipo as tipo6_0_ 
    Empresa empresa0_

<p:commandButton id="salvar-button" value="Salvar" 
                    process="empresa-dialog" update="empresa-table"
                    oncomplete="PF('edicaoEmpresaDialog').hide()" />

private Empresas empresas;

private CadastroEmpresaService cadastroEmpresa;

private FacesMessages messages;

private List<Empresa> todasEmpresas;
private Empresa empresaEdicao = new Empresa();

public void prepararNovoCadastro() {
    empresaEdicao = new Empresa();

public void salvar() {
    consultar();"Empresa salva com sucesso!");

public void consultar() {
    todasEmpresas = empresas.todas();

public List<Empresa> getTodasEmpresas() {
    return todasEmpresas;

public TipoEmpresa[] getTiposEmpresas() {
    return TipoEmpresa.values();

public Empresa getEmpresaEdicao() {
    return empresaEdicao;

public void setEmpresaEdicao(Empresa empresaEdicao) {
    this.empresaEdicao = empresaEdicao;


public void salvar(Empresa empresa) {
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1 answer


People I managed to solve, it was configuration error of that was in the wrong folder, also lacked persistence.xml inside the META-INF folder although I had already created automatic by eclipse, I did manual and it worked. Hug.

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