Justify text with Textalignment on Windows Phone 8


Viewed 138 times


I’m making an application and in this application I have a textBlock that in the .shaman is as follows:

 <TextBlock Name="tDetalhes"  Foreground="Black" FontSize="26" VerticalAlignment="Center" Height="210"  TextWrapping="Wrap" />

But I want to leave the text of this textBlock justified, but I went to add the property TextAlignment="Justify" of the following error:

"Specified method is not supported"

I tried to add by code .Cs and it wasn’t either. If anyone knows how to fix the bug I’ll be grateful. Thank you

1 answer


As the message says, Justify is not supported on textBlock. According to this page of MSDN this value is not valid in Silverlight 3.

Alternatively, control can be used RichTextBox.

  • What property do I use to add the text? pq . text does not appear as an option ?!

  • @Diegoleite You’ve already looked that example?.

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