Android + Webservice on Cloud Platform


Viewed 99 times


Fala galera...
Well, I really need to create a project. A WEB and Android system.
But it has to be Cloud and free of charge.
I researched and started a project using Openshift. I installed a plugin in Eclipse and put a bullet in JAVA. I even managed to create some web pages, but I had compatibility problems with Axis2, etc when trying to provide services. The biggest problem is that I did not find complete tutorials on the subject.
Anyway friends, I really need help (the head is about to explode). What is the best cloud service so that I can run my webservice so that it is also available for Android? (Note: can be in another language: Ruby on Rails, JAVA, PHP, etc)
If you agree that it is Openshift, then help me so I can provide my services.
Thanks for your attention. I need to clear my head a little...

  • Hello, Jedaias! Your question has been suspended because the community users considered that it is not possible to give an objective answer. There is no service that is better and any platform can integrate with Android. I can tell you that Openshift and Heroku are good solutions that have a free initial plan. Other than that, I suggest you post more specific questions about the mistakes or problems you are facing in your implementation, because [] is not suitable for tutorials or for questions that are too broad or based only on opinions. Hug!

1 answer


Use the platform Heroku that you can create up to 5 free applications, there you can use python, java, ruby, php, nodejs for your problem, the best option is to create a web app REST, which is basically a web application that returns a json or xml according to the request.

Some references about REST - wikipedia, Infoq

Some frameworks already come with this ready is the case of Rails for Ruby, Spring for Java and Flask-Restful for Python

  • Oops, thank you my friend. Testing now here!

  • Any just comment and if tip was good do not forget an ok.

  • I need 15 points to vote for, rsrsrs...

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