Clientdataset 'Insufficient memory for this Operation'


Viewed 3,135 times


I’m trying to give a active in a ClientDataSet and is returning the following error:

edbclient Insufficient memory for this Operation

Does anyone know how to solve?

  • Try looking at this link for help:

  • thank you!!!.....

  • If any of the solutions I gave you solved your problem, you can add it as an answer so that it also helps other people who face the same problem.

  • did not resolve :(

  • which reporting component you are using?

  • I’m using the report Builder

  • I can’t execute the command cds.LogChanges := false before giving a active true, and the problem is giving in time to activate the cds :(...

  • Seems to be a Midas.dll problem, see at that link

  • okay, I’ll see, Valew man :)

  • didn’t solve no :(

  • Are you using BDE? You may need to change the BLOBS TO CACHE and BATCH COUNT fields in the BDE properties.

  • Check the size of the process you want to do inside Clientdataset, if it will cost a lot of memory when you click on active, if it really happens it should be because of a very large sql return.

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2 answers


This usually happens when you have a lot of data to return. As it is not explicit what you intend to do, I suggest trying to use the FetchAll.

SQLConnection1.Params.Values['FetchAll'] := 'False';

Remembering that if the problem is really in the number of records returned from the bank, it would perhaps fit a reanalysis of the business rule.


The problem is related to BDE and how it uses memory to perform its operations. Every Delphi programmer has been there and has usually cursed the BDE for this behavior. I strongly recommend that you reconsider the use of BDE and start using a newer technology such as Firedac or Unidac.

To solve, open the BDE Admin, click on the tab Configurations. Click on the sign of + existing alongside System and then click on INIT. On the right side of the screen will appear a series of settings, one of them is called SHAREDMEMSIZE which must have a value of 2048. Change this value to 4096, give a ENTER and apply the change by pressing CTRL+A. Restart the application using the BDE and check if the error persists.

References to other errors as well as their solutions are found in the following link

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