Prevent scrolling of the screen when opening modal


Viewed 6,072 times


I’m creating a single-page site with five sessions, each of which takes the screen size by script. In one of these sessions, it has a button that will open a modal that will be in front of all the content of all the sessions. With the modal open, it is still possible to see the background, and the ideal would be that the background did not scroll, only the content of the modal, and when closing the modal OR reaching the end of the scrolling of the same, the scrolling of the page was activated again.

That is, I need that when I click on the modal button, the scrolling is disabled and when closing the modal or reaching the end of it, the scrolling is activated.

I put an event on the button that makes the content not move, as desired, but when closing the modal I could not cancel the function.


  <div id="fullpage">
     <div id="section1" class="section">
        <h1>Sessão 1</h1>

     <div id="section2" class="section">
        <h1>Sessão 2</h1>
        <p>Sessão onde o evento acontece</p>

     <div id="section3" class="section">
        <h1>Sessão 3</h1>
  <div id="modal">
     <div class="fundo"></div>
     <div class="modal-content">
        <div class="fundo_close"></div>
        <div class="item">Item 1</div>
        <div class="item">Item 2</div>
        <div class="item">Item 3</div>


/* Section styles */
.section{text-align: center;}
.section h1,.section p {color: #333333;margin: 0;}
/* Janela Modal */


$(function() {
    // Initialize fullPage
        css3: true,
        scrollingSpeed: 1400,
        autoScrolling: false,
        fitToSection: false,
        scrollBar: false,
        easing: 'easeInOutCubic',
        easingcss3: 'ease',
        loopBottom: false,
        loopTop: false,
        loopHorizontal: true,
        continuousVertical: false,
        normalScrollElements: '#element1, .element2',
        scrollOverflow: true,
        touchSensitivity: 15,
        normalScrollElementTouchThreshold: 5,

        navigation: true,
        navigationTooltips: ['First section', 'Second section', 'Third section'],
        sectionsColor: ['#f1c40f', '#e67e22', '#c0392b'],
        onLeave: function(index, nextIndex, direction) {
            // Remove the inactive class from all arrows
            $('#fp-nav > span').removeClass('inactive');

            // Add inactive class if needed
            if (nextIndex == 1) {
                $('#fp-nav > span.prev').addClass('inactive');
            } else if (nextIndex == $('.fp-section').length) {
                $('#fp-nav >').addClass('inactive');

    // Add previous and next arrows to the fullPage navigation
    $('#fp-nav').prepend('<span class="prev inactive">&#8593;</span>')
            .append('<span class="next">&#8595;</span>');

    // Re-center the fullPage navigation
    $('#fp-nav').css({ 'margin-top': '-' + ($('#fp-nav').height() / 2) + 'px' });

    // Add actions to the arrows
    $('#fp-nav').find('span.prev,').on('click', function() {
        if ($(this).hasClass('prev')) {
        } else {
// Abre Janela Modal
    //Pausa a Rolagem do conteúdo atrás da modal
        'mousewheel': function(e) {
//Fecha Janela Modal

Watch the Jsfiddle with the code.

  • That one fullpage is plugin? At first the solution would be to include a class with body{overflow:hidden} when the modal window was opened and removed when the modal was closed, but... The documentation of this plugin nothing to do with?

  • @Renan Yes, it’s a plugin. It allows those scrolls where a scroll you already scroll to the next screen, but after I have developed the layout on top of it, the client asked for change, so not to start from scratch, I kept the plugin. I read the documentation and it says nothing about it. The idea would be for the session to function as the site on which the designer relied, but such a site is a tumblr, which complicates it. link

1 answer


One solution is to place the overflow of the page to hidden when the modal is opened, and revert when it is closed.

When opening



At close


When you reach the end of the scroll

$('#modal .modal-content').bind('scroll', function() {

    var $conteudo = $(this);

    if ($conteudo.scrollTop() + $conteudo.innerHeight() >= this.scrollHeight) {
        $("html, body").css({"overflow":"auto"});

Note: To detect the end of the scroll within the modal, it is necessary to declare in the css of the same overflow which works in conjunction with the definition of a height, something you already have in your example:


See example in this clone of your Jsfiddle.

  • It really works. Only I also need to perform the modal closure when reaching the end of the scrolling inside the modal. You know how to do this?

  • I do, but since it’s another matter, you could ask a question about how to detect the end of the scroll inside the X element ?

  • If you put the question, in any case the solution follows:

  • In fact, if you look at the first and second paragraph of the question, you will see that I have already noted this need, but I will look at the case of the link you sent.

  • I already read the question again, I will update the answer... The problem is that every question is supposed to deal with a subject, the guys here at Sopt tend to deal with numerous issues per question which makes the whole management of the answers a nightmare :)

  • Okay, the answer and example are up to date to deal with both problems :) If you have any questions about the implementation, feel free to leave a comment!

  • I was only able to get back to that today, sorry, but it worked perfectly. And I will follow your tip to address only one subject next time. Thank you so much.

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