Hello. I am creating a program that opens, stores or deletes links. However, although I can remove the selected item from the link list I cannot delete the file line that corresponds to the selected item. I searched on SOEN and found no enlightening results and fileinput did not work either. Code:
# -*- coding: cp1252 -*-
from __future__ import print_function
from Tkinter import *
import threading
import urllib
import webbrowser
import os
import fileinput
root = Tk()
#define o tamanho da janela:
#variaveis globais:
global texto_link
global meter_links
global listbox
#variavel de continuação de funçoes:
hiperlink = True
hipertrue = True
supertrue = True
#vaiavel de atualizacao:
atualiza = True
#lista temporária de links:
lista = []
#titulo da janela
root.title("Links Úteis - FastLabPyTool")
#icone do canto:
#texto auxiliar:
def texto_auxiliar():
texto_link = Label(root, text = "Insere aqui o Link:", font = "Arial 10")
texto_link.place(x = 30, y = 50)
#insere caixas de texto:
meter_links = Entry(root, width = 70, fg = "blue")
meter_links.place(x = 150, y = 50)
filename = "linkers.txt"
#coloca a lista de links:
def lista_links(f, line, item):
listbox = Listbox(root, width = 105, height = 20, bg = "cyan", fg = "blue")
with open(filename, "r") as f:
f = f.readlines()
for line in f:
listbox.insert(END, line)
listbox.bind('<Button-3>', lambda event: eventos_linkers(event, line, f, listbox, line, item))
listbox.place(x = 20, y = 100)
lista_links(hiperlink, hipertrue, supertrue)
#conecta o link à internet:
def link_conections(listbox):
items = listbox.curselection()
for item in items:
item = listbox.get(item)
webbrowser.get("C:/Program Files (x86)/Google/Chrome/Application/chrome.exe %s").open(item)
#apaga os links seleccionados do arquivo:
def delete_links_arq(listbox, line, item):
f = open(filename, "r")
lines = f.readlines()
f = open(filename, "w")
for line in lines:
if item in line:
f.write(item.replace(line, ''))
"""for line in fileinput.input(filename, inplace=True):
if ( line):
print (line, end='')"""
#apaga os links:
def delete_links(listbox, items, f, line, item):
items = listbox.curselection()
for item in items:
listbox.delete(item, item)
items = listbox.curselection()
item = listbox.get(item)
delete_links_arq(listbox, line, item)
#abre opções de linker através de eventos:
def eventos_linkers(event, items, f, listbox, line, item):
link_options = ["Abrir Hiperligação", "Eliminar Hiperligação"]
menu_options = Menu(root)
menubar = Menu(root, tearoff = 0)
menubar.add_cascade(label = link_options[0], command = lambda: link_conections(listbox))
menubar.add_cascade(label = link_options[1], command = lambda: delete_links(listbox, items, f, line, item))
menubar.tk_popup(event.x_root, event.y_root)
#decide se a caixa de texto contem um link:
def links_name(f, line, item):
texto = meter_links.get()
abrir = open(filename, "a")
if (len(str(texto))) > 0:
abrir.write((texto) + "\n")
texto = 0
lista_links(f, line, item)
links_name(hiperlink, hipertrue, supertrue)
#coloca os botoes:
def botoes(f, line, item):
botao_submit = Button(root, text = "Guardar Link", bg = "cyan", fg = "black", command = lambda: links_name(f, line, item))
botao_submit.place(x = 600, y = 45)
botoes(hiperlink, hipertrue, supertrue)
#Apenas se valer mesmo a pena :)
#cria um proceso no CPU:
def processo():
processar = thread.start_new_thread( print_time, ("Thread-1", 2, ) )
print "ERRO: Impossível criar processo!"
#acaba o programa:
You will probably have to generate the file again, without the line you want to delete, or else, for better performance, mark the line as unusable (changing the first character for some special symbol) and reuse the line in the future, for data that fits. But every now and then I’d have to defragment this file in the second case.
– Bacco
What if I tried to replace the line I want to delete with a blank string?
– Henrique
Not-the correct opening is rewriting the file without the line you want - forget this story of trying to reuse the line.
– jsbueno