Error Handlers Asp.Net


Viewed 2,070 times


Staff need help with the item below.

The error is occurring when trying to run a Web Site project in VB.Net. I have two in the same Solution, one wheel and the other one shows up. It is a project of the company I work, it was not I who built I am entering the project now to be able to make adjustments in the code and implementations.

I looked for various solutions and nothing so far.

Follow the error:

Error HTTP 500.19 - Internal Server Error The page you have requested cannot be accessed because the configuration data related to the page are invalid.

Detailed error information: Module IIS Web Core Notification Beginrequest Handler Not yet determined Error code 0x80070021 Configuration Error This configuration section cannot be used in this path. This occurs when the section is locked in a parent level. The lock is by default (overrideModeDefault="Deny"), or is explicitly defined by a local tag with overrideMode="Deny" or the inherited allowOverride="false". Archive Setup ? D: Workspace_questmanager Questmanager questmanager_solution questmanager_webapps questmanager_survey web.config URL requested http://localhost:80/questmanager_survey/Survey.aspx? Cod=962bc469-95d7-46f0-8f3e-0faa2515d4ca&Cpc=0&cod4=156 Physical path D: Workspace_questmanager Questmanager questmanager_solution questmanager_webapps questmanager_survey Survey.aspx Login method Not yet determined Login user Not yet determined

Origin of the Configuration

169: modules runAllManagedModulesForAllRequests="true"/>

170: handlers> 171:

  • 1

    Your question is quite confusing. What exactly are you trying to do? What situations lead to the error occurring?

  • Hi Victor, I edited the post. The error is occurring when trying to run a Web Site project in VB.Net. I have two in the same Solution, one wheel and the other appears this error. It is a project of the company I work, it was not I who built I am entering the project now to be able to make adjustments in the code and implementations.

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