NF-e 3.10 Does MG do how to receive the return of Nfeautorizacaoloteasybc?


Viewed 406 times


I am trying this way (asynchronous), with the synchronous I also can not capture any status or return, but at least transmits the note to MG Suicide

With NfeRecepcaoMG
    .Url = ""
    .nfeCabecMsgValue = xCabecalho2
    .Timeout = 50000
    .SoapVersion = Web.Services.Protocols.SoapProtocolVersion.Soap12
End With

1 answer


You are not getting the return from Webservice. Try the following:

Option Infer On

With NfeRecepcaoMG
    .Url = ""
    .nfeCabecMsgValue = xCabecalho2
    .Timeout = 50000
    .SoapVersion = Web.Services.Protocols.SoapProtocolVersion.Soap12
End With

Dim retorno = NfeRecepcaoMG.NfeAutorizacaoLoteAsync(NfeRecepcaoMGmsg)

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