I’m using the files with html extension.echo in my WEB project and I am trying to edit in Adobe Brackets, but I cannot specify that it should treat these files as HTML sources. I would like Brackets to provide me with typical HTML file features (like coloring the source, identifying the tags in the grammar, etc.)
Actually I noticed that this is possible when changing the file Languages.json, however I am using the binary version and did not build from sources.
I would just like to change some Brackets property or configuration file to be able to edit my .html.eco files so that it understands that it is about. mime-type text/html
@Jbruni in the Brackets version of MAC OS X does not exist the Editorutils.js file and I do not have Windows here to test. Are you sure this approach works in the binary version (Installed) of Brackets without me having to build the fonts ?
– João Paraná
I did some more research and updated the answer. We’re getting there...
– J. Bruni
hi @j-Bruni, thanks for your help. Any news I will be grateful.
– João Paraná