javascript does not display image . gif in Chrome and IE


Viewed 175 times


I’m using Bootstrap and in a modal simulate the process of sending data to the database.

When the user clicks to save it displays an alert message asking if this is exactly what the user wants to do. So, if the user clicks "yes" after the message appears, I display a load. gif to simulate that I am sending the data until I get a reply.

The problem happens in the Chrome and IE browser, where the image does not appear in the format . gif, while in Firefox everything happens normally.

Follows the code:, this link works perfectly, just not in the project.

  • Is your project code exactly the same as jsfiddle? Or is this provided as an example?

  • I only took the part of Modal, I am using Adminlte-master:, 29%

  • 1

    Are there any errors in the console? Not found for example

  • No error. I did a test trying to display . gif in another div and the image uploaded, plus after ajax finished running. In case I want it to appear before. In firefox everything happens normal.

  • Is there an easier way to simulate a loading... ?

  • 1

    I believe this way is the easiest. The problem is that this fiddle there works here in Chrome, I have no help

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