Send email with signature using an image


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Hello! I have a function in a file of a wordpress site that fires a confirmation email when a person fills in a form. However I would like to put an image as a signature of this email. but when I include an html img it of conflict and stick on the site. How could I include this image in this php file?

Follow the message function..

/* ==== E-mail Cliente ============================= */
/* Assunto que será exibido no e-mail enviado para o cliente */
$assuntoCliente = "Registro de Interesse em Curso";
/* Mensagem que será exibida para o cliente no e-mail enviado, no formato HTML     */
$mensagemCliente = "<html><body>Olá! <p>Agradecemos seu interesse em estudar          na Sustentare. Recebemos a sua inscrição.<p>Enviaremos em breve as informações necessárias para a efetivação de sua matrícula.<p>Consulte o programa de todos os cursos clicando aqui..<p>Caso tenha alguma dúvida estou à disposição. <p><span style='font-weight: bold; color: #0e3178;'>Renata Giongo Rigato</span><br> [email protected] <br> <br></body></html>";
  • the image can be added in html and hosted on the company’s website, facilitating its development

  • I did it but stick to the site. Error on this line I change.. an error of "php"

  • The error may be because of the way the function is inside Wordpress. It can put the code you are using and the error?

  • Hello. I am using this code <img src="ass-Renata.png"> before "</body>" From the code I posted. And that’s the error on the site.. Parse error: syntax error, Unexpected T_STRING in /home/Storage/2/40/86/inpg/public_html/site/wp-content/themes/sus/functions.php on line 1091

  • try to make an escape from your tags and special characters.

  • does so <img src="ass-Renata.png"> that solves @Maicon

  • Cool, no more cock on the site @Otto . But in the email received it does not show the image, it is a little symbol of image not found.. where it is in the same directory as the file. have any idea of pq?? Thanks!

  • yes Voce needs to put the full url of the @Maicon image

  • Bah, This @Otto is awesome! Thank you guys. solved!!

  • @Maicon put as answer mark as solved

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1 answer


Image can be added in html and hosted on the company website, facilitating its development

thus <img src=\"ass-renata.png\">

you need to put the full image url

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