How to know the current state of the form?


Viewed 949 times


I am beginner in the area, I could not find my question elsewhere.

Is there any code, which shows the state of the form?

For example: if it is in focus, if it is minimized or maximized?

Thanks in advance!

2 answers


To get or change the status of a form, use Form.WindowState.

MessageBox.Show(WindowState.ToString()) ' Normal, Maximizado ou Minimizado '

Or if you need to perform an action in a given state, you can do:

If WindowState = FormWindowState.Maximized Then
   ' O formulário está maximizado '
ElseIf WindowState = FormWindowState.Minimized Then
   ' O formulário está minimizado '
ElseIf WindowState = FormWindowState.Normal Then
   ' O formulário está normal '
   ' Estado desconhecido '
End If

To know if a control is in focus, use Control.Focused.

If Me.Focused Then
    ' Este formulário está em foco '
    ' Não está em foco '
End If


You would have to put two events in your form to annotate their state in a variable. For example:

Private formAtivo As Boolean

Private Sub meuForm_Activated(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Activated
  formAtivo = True
End Sub

Private Sub meuForm_Deactivate(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Deactivate
  formAtivo = False
End Sub

To know if the form is active, just read formAtivo. I got the answer from here.

formAtivo doesn’t have to be Private.

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