API or framework that searches for remedies in different pharmacies


Viewed 734 times


I need some API or framework that can do a drug search in several Brazilian online pharmacies. This exists?

  • I believe that there is no service, or library, that exclusively tracks online pharmacies. Most likely you’ll have to write your own Crawler (which is probably what Buscapé did). As it stands now, your question is very difficult to answer... Try to better explain your problem, and what your existing requirements or options are.

  • I edited the question assuming you need a Brazilian service (if not, please correct me).

  • I managed through PARSE with the help of some colleagues... but thank you anyway!

  • I don’t think that really exists. I would also go for the Crawler solution. If you go into this strategy, there is an Apache project that can help: http://nutch.apache.org/

  • 2

    Ricardo, could you post an answer to the solution you used? It does not need to be the whole code of your parser, the main one would be to explain the principles used to solve the problem. Here on the site, the questions and answers are thought to help more people than who answered, so having this content would be cool. Thank you.

1 answer


NSURL *site = [NSURL URLWithString:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"http://....", termo]];
NSData *siteHTML = [NSData dataWithContentsOfURL:site];
TFHpple *siteParser = [TFHpple hppleWithHTMLData:siteHTML];

Through a Tfhpple class it was possible to parse the site ;)

See this tutorial very good for more information: http://www.raywenderlich.com/14172/how-to-parse-html-on-ios

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