Chrome Mobile Android [Add to Homescreen]


Viewed 189 times


  • Ronny, you can add a screenshot of how your application is currently and what you would like to see removed?

  • So Onilton, I made 3 screenshots in a single image, see how it looks on "screen 1", it is a "Web APP" as shown on "screen 2", this "screen 3" and as I would like it to be, "screen 3" is a normal page in Chrome, I made and put a fullscreen button of HTML5. Four links below, from the image, from the page with fullscreen HTML5, from the page I did that ta in the "Web APP" and the page where it shows the "Add to Homescreen" Official. I hope I was clear... Thanks in advance!

2 answers


There must be some solution similar to the one we found today for iOS devices. On iOS, just add the code below so that when opening the application through the homescreen, it opens in fullscreen.

<meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-capable" content="yes" />


With "hide the top and bottom bar" you refer the bars of the system, correct?

The only way to remove them in Chrome for Android were videos: I tried to test if it’s possible use this on a website but after testing vi that no browser supports codec. Unless someone create another codec this idea cannot be used.

Another solution is use Firefox for Android and lower the extension "full screen": this extension allows you to hide the system bars.

There is still a third option: use Phonegap along with the full screen setting android.

  • So @Gustavorodrigues, the idea is to remove the bars even... The way this, ta cool (Web App), who knows in the upcoming updates of Chrome they put really fullscreen, since Android 4.4.x came with a new fullscreen Feature. I haven’t tried it on any iOS yet, I’ll test it in the future! Thank you!

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