Create element only in the first mouseover


Viewed 512 times


I’m making a website and has an image on it that activates a Javascript function through onmouseover using a function. One of these methods I used in Javascript adds a new tag to a span with an "X" id this image is in, only the method instead of creating only once the tag creates the tag every time the mouse hovers over the image.

I need this method to create only once the tag when the mouse passes over the image.

Below the html of the image:

<span id="ex1" >
<img width="794px" height="593px" src="images/crateria.png" style="margin:0;" onmouseover="javascript:mostra();" alt="Crateria" />

Below the Javascript I used to add the tag, in case the tag <map>:

function mostra(){
   var para = document.createElement("map");
   para.setAttribute("name", "crateria-map");
  • 1

    It won’t do you much good to edit the question and include more doubts (even more after you have already marked as solved), you will end up making it too wide. If the first problem has been solved, create a new question to address the second.

3 answers


You can check if the <span> already contains a <map> at the end, and only create and insert the map if it is not already there:

function mostra(){
    var span = document.getElementById("ex1");
    // verifica se o último filho do span é um map
    var contemMapa = span.lastChild.nodeName === 'MAP';
    if(!contemMapa) {
        var para = document.createElement("map");
        para.setAttribute("name", "crateria-map");

  • good night bfavaretto, I modified the code and it didn’t work, I am using id to add the tag within span as you must have noticed, because in fact I will make this method for other different images. As I said, every time I mouse the image, the <map name="#crateria-map"></map> tag is created, one below the other...

  • 1

    See the link in my answer, works in the scenario you described. There must be something else wrong with your code, some part that’s not in the question. Anyway, if you’re going to apply this to many images, better use the mgibsonbr solution, only with CSS, much lighter.


I suggest not creating it in the onmouseover, but already have it in HTML - only hidden. So, you can display it/hide it simply with CSS, without needing Javascript:

#ex1 map {

#ex1 img:hover + map {
  border: 1px solid red; /* Só para ajudar a ver que funciona */
<span id="ex1" >
<img width="794px" height="593px" src="images/crateria.png" style="margin:0;" alt="Crateria" />
  <map name="crateria-map">

If, on the other hand, you want the tag stay there after the first mouse pass, one way to do this (not necessarily the best) is to reset the function used in the onmouseover after it is used for the first time:

function mostra(){
    var para = document.createElement("map");
    para.setAttribute("name", "crateria-map");

    mostra = function() { /* Não faz nada */ }
#ex1 map {
  border: 1px solid red; /* Só para ajudar a ver que funciona */
<span id="ex1" >
<img width="794px" height="593px" src="images/crateria.png" style="margin:0;" alt="Crateria" onmouseover="javascript:mostra();" />

Finally, if there are N images and not just one, a variation of bfavaretto response should solve your problem: check not a specific element (by id), but the parent of the image receiving the Hover (using to obtain the image, parentElement to obtain the span mother and lastChild to get the last child element). Example:

function mostra(){
  if ( != "MAP" ) {
    var para = document.createElement("map");
    para.setAttribute("name", "crateria-map");;
map {
  border: 1px solid red; /* Só para ajudar a ver que funciona */
<span id="ex1" >
<img width="100px" height="100px" src="images/crateria.png" style="margin:0;" alt="Crateria" onmouseover="javascript:mostra();" />

<span id="ex2" >
<img width="100px" height="100px" src="images/crateria.png" style="margin:0;" alt="Crateria" onmouseover="javascript:mostra();" />

<span id="ex3" >
<img width="100px" height="100px" src="images/crateria.png" style="margin:0;" alt="Crateria" onmouseover="javascript:mostra();" />


You could try placing a counter by checking if the function has already been executed once and so no longer perform. Example below:

tag = 0;

function mostra(){
     if (tag != 1)
   var para = document.createElement("map");
   para.setAttribute("name", "crateria-map");
   tag = 1;

  • mgibsonbr, your solution to use " shows = Function() { /* Does nothing */ }" worked, but I’ll see if this other solution with the counter also works

  • 1

    @Marcelolinsdecarvalho Edit your question to supplement the information (there is a link to this right below the text of the question). If putting this information would change the question completely (and invalidate the answers you’ve already received), post a new separate question.

  • @Marcelolinsdecarvalho I agree with the bfavaretto, it is important to put the maximum of context in the question, to avoid receiving answers that do not help you and to waste the efforts of those who tried to answer. Anyway, see the edition I made in my reply (last snippet of code), it serves for multiple images and should work for your particular case.

  • Sorry everyone, I thank you for your help, until the moment I manage to solve my problem and again I apologize for the lack of information and thank you for your attention! thank you

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