How to pass JSON array as parameter and access its objects in another function?


Viewed 2,475 times


Hello, I’m having trouble accessing objects from a json array that is passed as a parameter between functions of two classes. In the functions that receive the json array, the corresponding variables are as "Undefined".

I have three files:json_control.js(Class) ; map_control.js and js map.(Class)

What I do is: access the json array that is saved in a postgresql database through json_control, return that array to the mapa_controler.js and forward to the js map. so that it can place the array objects on the map.


function JsonControl() {};

JsonControl.prototype.getJsonData = function(dataLocation){

    $.getJSON(dataLocation, function(mData) {

        return mData;


    var mJsonControl = new JsonControl();
    var mMap = new Mapa();

        function initialize() {

            var json = mJsonControl.getJsonData("consultas.php");


    google.maps.event.addDomListener(window, 'load',initialize);

js map.

function Mapa() { = {};
    this.mapCanvas =  'map';
    this.mapOptions = {center:{lat: -22.717, lng: -42.624}, zoom: 14};

Mapa.prototype.setMapElements = function (mJsonData) {

    var mMap =;
    var elementOptions = {};

    $.each(mJsonData, function(id,data){

        elementOptions = {

            strokeColor: "#FF0000",
            strokeOpacity: 0.8,
            strokeWeight: 1,
            fillColor: "#FF0000",
            fillOpacity: 0.35,
            map: mMap,
            center: new google.maps.LatLng(data.latitude, data.longitude),
            radius: Math.sqrt(1)*10

        new google.maps.Circle(elementOptions);

Mapa.prototype.setMap = function () { = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById(this.mapCanvas), this.mapOptions);

This is the json array returned by the page php queries.:


I would like a solution that maintains the responsibilities of each class.

1 answer


The method getJSON is asynchronous. Your code:

JsonControl.prototype.getJsonData = function(dataLocation){
    $.getJSON(dataLocation, function(mData) {
        return mData; // Esse retorno não está indo pra lugar nenhum
    // Não está retornando nada (i.e. undefined)

It will complete before the Ajax request is ready, and so the method that calls it:

var json = mJsonControl.getJsonData("consultas.php");

You will not receive the result of the query. A suggestion to refactor this code is:

JsonControl.prototype.getJsonData = function(dataLocation, callback){
    $.getJSON(dataLocation, function(mData) {
        callback(mData); // Faz alguma coisa com o resultado quando ele estiver pronto
    // Continua não retornando nada


function initialize() {
    mJsonControl.getJsonData("consultas.php", function(json) {
        // Só vai executar após a chamada Ajax estiver pronta
    // A função initialize termina, mas o código acima ainda não executou
  • I made the modifications here. It worked perfectly!

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