How to turn a "Unity Project" into an . EXE?


Viewed 6,698 times


I’m following the Nils videos on Youtube. After creating a project on Unity, how do I make an installer/. EXE for it? To run on Android, Windows, and others.

  • 4

    Hi Pablo, I edited your question to stay more in the format of the site ok? Here we do not ask directly to another user, anyone can answer. And with the right tag ([tag:Unity-3d]), it’s very likely that Nils will see and respond. Now just wait for an answer, good luck!

  • 2

    In the case .exe (or .msi) would be on Windows for Desktop, Android would be the .apk. I’ve never worked with Unity-3d, but I believe I need the Android Studio, iOS will need the XCode (only Macs) and Windows Visual Studio.

  • I can complement someone’s answer? Guilherme Nascimento and Dolbycpp already answered a part. But it would be good to show how it does. First you have to go to File>>>Buildsettings (Ctrl+shift+b - replace Ctrl with command on mac). It will appear here Choose the platform you want to build the game, in the case of android and Ios is as Guilherme said, in the case of exe you have no problem if you are developing directly in windows. For more details see the information on the link that Dolbycpp posted. (and have the page translated if the language is a problem).

  • 6

    Hi @Nils. You could edit someone’s answer, but I think it makes more sense for you to give an additional answer of your own. :)

  • 4

    The more answers, the better. As long as one is not a copy of the other in all its details, as sometimes happens :) But if you have something else to say, you deserve an answer even if only to complement. Who knows she gets so good that she ends up being accepted as the best.

  • Now I understand. Thank you for LINK @Dolbycpp will help a lot, Thank you all for helping to clear my doubt! :)

  • My question was already answered but I was giving a studied, and came to me a doubt, I did not see the option of "Export" to (Java). jar, probably because the program does not have this function, but in case I want to "export" to . jar what I should do ?!

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2 answers


Export your Unity project to available platforms


  1. Premises
  2. Configure the Player
  3. To Export
  4. Standalone - Windows, Mac & Linux
  5. Android.
  6. iOS.

Updated to Unity 5.0.0.


To export your program/game made in Unity you first need to define the target platform, because depending on the platform you will need some added files, or developer accounts to be able to run it.

In addition you will need to configure "Player" - which is actually a menu with your game settings.

TL;DR(video on youtube) -

Configure the Player

Go on Edit > Project Sttings > Player , according to the following figure.

Editar o Player

In Inspector will appear some details for you to configure, the important thing is to set what is standard for all.

Player no Inspector

Default settings:

  • Default Company - Name of your company [important]
  • Product Name - Name of your game [important]
  • Default Icon - Game icon [important]
  • Default Cursor - How the mouse will look in the game
  • Cursor Hotspot - Part of the cursor that "works" - e.g.: you can make a hand and choose that only the little finger works.

The others will depend on where you want to export.

To export

Go on File > Buid Settings or Ctrl+Shift+B (cmd+Shif+b on mac)

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

Make sure all the scenes in your game are in Scenes in Build

Windows, Mac & Linux - Standalone

Unity exports by default to these formats, without needing anything else.

You just have to choose:

  • **Target Platform *ː - What is the target operating system, Windows, Linux or Mac
  • Architecture - Processor architecture The rest is optional and depends on what you want to do.

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

More details


First you need to have the Android SDK installed on your computer. If you don’t know what this is, you’re in the wrong place and shouldn’t be playing games for it (ha-ha). Joking aside, visit the official website of android developer:

Search for other downloads option ("Other Download Options" last time I stopped).

And download the version for your operating system that corresponds to SDK Tools Only

After installed, open Unity. Click Edit > Preferences.... Choosing External Tools, and in Android SDK Location Choose where you installed it.

Android SDK Location

Now go to Build Settings and choose Android as a platform option.

Android Build Settings

Note: When you have compile and do not appear the progress bar is a sign that something happened wrong.

More details


One of the most boring to export.

You will need to have an account of apple developer, meet the requirements to install the iOS SDK (generally install iTunes and update the system). Do not use beta version, always go on the latest most stable.

Follow the step-by-step apple development portal to set up everything it asks you to - add people, devices, certificates, install other things... until the answer to that mode is so boring to write.

Depending on what you do it will take a lot more or just a lot of work, like adding in-app purchases, library calls, and so on.

Remembering that projects are generated in Xcode, and then you need to join some settings like fps locks of iOS devices.

More information

Video to test your game (works for android too)


Windows Phone 8.1

Web Player

Webgl ()


ALL OVER : I need to join the links and materials for each case because it will take a while, but what you have so far already answers the initial question.

  • 1

    Uoo! But that’s a great explanation, at first it will only "serve" when I can finish my idea/ project. but anyway I will finish understanding this part ... Studying a lot (...) :]. Gracias! @Nils


The extent .exe is recognized only by Windows versions. Other operating systems work with other extensions(Android with .apk, and so on).

You need to compile your project for each platform where you want to run it.

Unity’s own documentation talks about this: Platform Specific(Go expanding the menus).

Good luck.

  • 1

    Grateful brother, thanks for the Force!

  • @Nils - My question was already answered but I was giving a studied, and came to me a doubt, I did not see the option of "Export" to (Java). jar, probably because the program does not have this function, but in case I want to "export" to . jar what I should do ?!

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