Problem with codeigniter registration


Viewed 237 times


I have a course site made with codeigniter and an error is occurring, when I sign up for a specific address, in case, this instead of the data being included in the database, returns the following error, for example:

An Error Was Encountered

Error Number: 1054

Unknown column 'redirect' in 'field list'

INSERT INTO `usuarios` (`nome`, `estado`, `cidade`, `pais`, `cep`, `endereco`, `numero`, `bairro`, `telefone`, `como_conheceu`, `email`, `senha`, `redirect`, `data_cadastro_usuario`, `valido`, `hashing`) VALUES ('Cadastro de Testes', 'MG', 'Montes Claros', 'Brasil', '39404000', 'Endereço de teste', '104A', 'Bairro de teste', '3899999999', 'nao sei', '[email protected]', '123456', 'site/curso_matricular/13732', '2015-03-20', 'Sim', 'puowqxalnce8jsh6e5swfcte244rpl3gmixwb65mb1187kj42m1nkwv2pvpizvb5gfh2apllzjr5n3v23mvwb1iny26qyfrlnc30')

But only when it is registered by this address. What may be occurring?

  • Checks if your table has a column, "redirect" and checks that it is written correctly!

2 answers


Make sure you really have the column redirect on your table of usuarios. You are probably using a different controller to register when the user is registering from a course.

From what I understand you want to create a kind of redirect after the registration confirmation. If this is really your wish try using a PHP Session to store the redirect location and then use a Helperof URL's of Code Igniter itself as the:

 redirect($_SESSION['redirect_curso'], 'refresh');

For more information see the documentation in this link and to better understand how to redirect link.


Probably your PHP script is erroneously adding "redirect" as a select column, and that column does not exist in the table users in the database.

Just you fix that part of the script that error will not happen anymore.

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