Object cannot be cast from Dbnull to other types


Viewed 137 times


I’m having a problem with Return "Object cannot be cast from Dbnull to other types", how to proceed?

        Public Function RetornaValorTotalPremiacao(ByVal strCodigoProposta As String) As Decimal
            Dim objApoioConexao As New ApoioConexao

            objApoioConexao.AdicionaParametro(strCodigoProposta, "@CD_PROP")

            Return Convert.ToDecimal(objDMConexao.ExecutaComando(My.Settings.ConexaoAtiva, "[dbo].[usp_sel_valor_total_premiacao]", CommandType.StoredProcedure, objApoioConexao.RetornaArrayParametros))

        Catch ex As Exception
        End Try
    End Function

1 answer


Within the code

bjDMConexao.ExecutaComando(My.Settings.ConexaoAtiva, "[dbo].[usp_sel_valor_total_premiacao]", CommandType.StoredProcedure, objApoioConexao.RetornaArrayParametros)

The value returned is Dbnull, and you are trying to give a cast to Decimal, do a check before trying to give a cast to decimal.


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