Use of ';' before starting a function


Viewed 125 times


It has become frequent for me to find codes on github that start like this:

    'use strict';

Just never understood the following. What is the purpose of using the ';' before starting the function declaration?

  • 3

    It has the sources of these functions that originated the question?

  • 1 This is an example...

  • 2

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2 answers


The semicolon is used to make sure that the previous instruction has been completed.

For example:

(function() {

})()  // <--- Não tem ponto e vírgula

//  Adicionado ponto e vírgula para evitar um resultado inesperado do código anterior   
;(function ($) {


The name of this technique is IIFE (Immediately-Invoked Function Expression).

  • 1

    Doing a search in English I found this here too: Thanks for the answer! : D


Auto-summoning functions are built between parentheses, placing a semicolon before the start of the function can prevent the function from becoming part of any predecessor code, note that:

The code

var a = 10 


Is the same as

var a = 10 (function(){...})()

Now putting the dot and comma, you avoid this kind of eventual problem in your code

var a = 10 

  • 2

    Excellent addition. =)

  • 2

    @Qmechanic73 noticed that you had already answered, but as I was already writing I took the opportunity to post :P

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