How to get the affected line number in an Mysql Insert


Viewed 749 times


In Sqlserver I use after the insert or update i use:


So I get the affected line number, I would like to know what the equivalent in Mysql, I searched the web but only found solutions in codes, need to be done directly in query, tried ROW_COUNT(), but this function returned 0 for no affected line and -1 for 1 or more lines.

1 answer


According to the official Mysql documentation, the SELECT ROW_COUNT(), is what works.

If you’re testing in Mysql Workbench, it may not seem to work, as per this comment.

In the documentation there is also this remark:


ROW_COUNT() is not replicated reliably using statement-based Replication. Beginning with Mysql 5.1.23, this Function is Automatically replicated using Row-based Replication. (Bug #30244)

  • Thanks Fernando, really I was testing in Mysql Workbench ,in the application ROW_COUNT() worked as expected.

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