Error to install VB.NET application on Windows Server


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I am developing an application on my notebook with 64-bit Win7 with VS2005 and VB Form. I did an installation on a Windows Server 32. I don’t use internet and when I install the application, it runs perfectly to the point where I try to generate a report with the Crystal Reports exactly at the point:

Dim rptXml As New ReportDocument() 

As I don’t use internet, that is, Asp.Net, I don’t need the IIS installed. How do I fix this problem?

I already installed the Crystal Reports and the . Net 2.0, all for 32 bits and nothing to work. On my notebook, it works perfectly.

The error returned by Crystal Reports that’s the one:

:System.Typeinitializationexception: The 'Crystaldecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.Reportdocument' type initializer has triggered an exception. ---> System.Unauthorizedaccessexception: Component Factory recovery failure with CLSID {11BD5260-15B6-412D-80DB-12BB60B8FE50} due to the following error: 80070005. in Crystaldecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.ReportDocument.. cctor()

  • DO NOT POST TEXT USING ALL UPPERCASE!!! Because this behavior tends to irritate other users and makes the text difficult to read. The result will be that you will receive negative votes and no help. I’ve already edited your question to leave it in the normal text format, so now just wait for someone who knows how to answer it (I don’t know) to help you or maybe ask for further clarification on your question.

  • By the way, is your notebook all 32 bits too or is it 64? The OS version, Crystal Reports and the . Net on your laptop is the same as on the server?

  • I really didn’t understand what the mistake was. You only say that without internet works and that on the notebook works, but it does not explain what happens when it does not work, if it gives some error message, understand?

  • sorry for the behavior, but I’m new to this forum, my note is 64bit and the server is 32bit, I already changed in VS2005 to deploy coim x86. and the error that is returning at this point of the program is :System.Typeinitializationexception: The 'Crystaldecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.Reportdocument' type initializer triggered an exception. ---> System.Unauthorizedaccessexception: Component Factory recovery failure with CLSID {11BD5260-15B6-412D-80DB-12BB60B8FE50} due to the following error: 80070005. in Crystaldecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.ReportDocument.. cctor()

  • Does the app run with the default IIS user? How is configured (IIS or Web.config) the type of authentication and how are the permissions of the user who runs the code snippet of the report?

  • the application is windows form, desenv. with vs2005 form, does not need the IIS, it generates a . exe

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1 answer


I think your problem should be that on your server, Crystal Reports does not have all the read and write permissions of files that he needs in his workbook or is not configured to run as a service. The fact that the text appears System.UnauthorizedAccessException in your error message is a strong indication of this.

Another possible cause, but less likely, is that you have more than one version of Crystal Reports installed on the server.

I came to that conclusion from of this link, in which a person who was having a problem that seems to me to be quite similar to his:

Error Message:Retrieving the COM class Factory for Component with CLSID {11BD5260-15B6-412D-80DB-12BB60B8FE50} failed due to the following error: 8007007e. Stack Trace: at Crystaldecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.ReportDocument.. cctor()

Well, here’s the solution to the problem, as it stands, removing some clearly irrelevant parts:

It is quite normal if you are experiencing issues when deploying Crystal Report 2010 on a server. Based on the error message you Experienced, it seems that you have not properly setup/configured your Crystal Report on the PC/server:

  1. If you see this error message: "Type 'Crystaldecisions.Shared.Crystalreportsexception' in Assembly 'Crystaldecisions.Shared, Version=13.0.2000.0, Culture=neutral, Publickeytoken=692fbea5521e1304' is not marked as serializable", this is due to the Fact that your PC is Unable to find the right Crystal Report version on your PC. Please Try to UNINSTALL any Previous Crystal Report version that you have on your system and then, Please install Crystal Report for VS 2010 there. You can go to (for 64 bit machine) OR (for 32 bit machine) OR (FULL package)

  2. Once you have the CR installed on your system, Please make sure you set your Crystal Report to Operate on LOCAL SERVICE permission. Please check your application pool and make sure it runs under this permission

  3. Please make sure the FULL TRUST read and write permission is set on your Working Folder

  4. Please make sure you copy the CR aspnet_client Folder to your Working Folder

Once you have done all the Steps above, your Crystal report 2010 should work fine.

P.S.: Please Always make sure you have one Crystal Report version running on your Own server. If you have Multiple Different CR version, your report will not work!

Translating into Portuguese:

It is somewhat normal that you are experiencing problems when deploying Crystal Report 2010 on a server. Based on the error message you are experiencing, it seems that you have not properly configured your Crystal Report on your PC/Server:

  1. If you are viewing this error message: "Type 'Crystaldecisions.Shared.Crystalreportsexception' in Assembly 'Crystaldecisions.Shared, Version=13.0.2000.0, Culture=neutral, Publickeytoken=692fbea5521e1304' is not marked as serializable", this is due to the fact that your PC could not find the correct version of Crystal Report for your PC. Please try UNINSTALL any previous version of Crystal Report you have on your system and then please install Crystal Report for VS 2010 there. You can go to (for a 64-bit machine) OR (for a 32-bit machine) OR (complete package)

  2. Once you have the CR installed on your system, please make sure that you configure your Crystal Report to operate with LOCAL SERVICE permission. Please check your suite of applications and make sure that it runs under this permission

  3. Please make sure that the FULL READ & write CONTROL permission is set for your workbook

  4. Please make sure to copy the aspnet_client folder from the CR to your workbook

Once you have completed all the above steps, your Crystal report 2010 should work well.

Q.S.: Please always make sure that you only have one version of Crystal Report running on your server. If you have multiple different versions of CR, your report will not work!

  • Good Afternoon Victor, set cfe post, but gave a new error at the same point of the program, System.Typeinitializationexception: The type initializer of 'Crystaldecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.Reportdocument' triggered an exception. ---> System.Runtime.Interopservices.Comexception (0x80040154): Component Factory recovery failure with CLSID {11BD5260-15B6-412D-80DB-12BBB60B8FE50} due to the following error: 80040154.

  • Good afternoon; then, I made all the above steps, and yet you still have the same error. I no longer know where to move, or if suddenly it is the server itself that is missing something, remembering that I do not have the IIS installed, because the VB application is desktop made in vs 2005.

  • Good Evening Personal; thanks for the tips, it was of great help, I ended up uninstalling everything and reinstalling cfe the tips above, and recompiled the application exporting together only the prerequisites of . net and the reportviewer and so it worked, showed the cfe report provided.

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