Jquery + ADF - Button Locator


Viewed 34 times


use ADF and I have a problem.

In case I have a popup in sequence a dialog and after a panelgroup, below the panelgroup I created a "buttonBar" Facet so I have a style defined in my popup but I need to use a skin in the buttons below, the problem is that they stay with the style set above and not the ones that Seto in the buttons in fact. In this context I’m using a jquery that detects the enter key, because I need to make the enter behave like a clic (that’s why Facet). The question is, I need my buttons to take on my style and my jquery to detect my enter, even if both are in different layers (if applicable). Follows the code:

<af:popup animate="default" childCreation="immediate" autoCancel="enabled"  id="p2">
          <af:dialog closeIconVisible="false"  contentHeight="300" contentWidth="300" 
                     title="TITULO" id="d122" resize="off" modal="true" type="none">
                    <h:panelGroup layout="block"  id="formfwfiltro" styleClass="estilo-exemplo-dois">
                        <h:panelGroup id="dialogContainer" layout="block" styleClass="estilo-exemplo">
                            <af:group id="tablecontainer">
                                    <!-- CONTEÚDO -->
            <f:facet name="buttonBar">
            <af:group id="buttonbargroup">
                  <af:commandButton  text="#{pageFlowScope.exemplo}" id="formfwbtnaction" partialSubmit="false" 
                                     visible="true" styleClass="class-style-exemplo" action="#{pageFlowScope.exemplo}" />
                 <trh:script id="scriptfiltro">
                          $(document).ready(function () {
  • 1

    Could you show some of your code? So it would be easier for us to help you...

  • Opa, of course yes, I rode here in the race an example, I hope you are understandable hehe.

  • @Felipeavelar see if the code helps, hehe. Thanks.

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