error while trying to generate android apk


Viewed 1,478 times


I’m trying to generate apk , more is giving error , not understanding

Error:Execution failed for task ':app:packageDebug'.
> Failed to read key from keystore

Evente log

19:33:33 Gradle build finished with 1 error(s) in 3 min 21 sec
19:33:44 Generate signed APK: Errors while building apk, see messages tool window for 
list of errors.
  • You even created the Keystore? From the error it seems that the alias for the key. You got to go to Build > Generate Signed APK?

  • yes, it may be that I am creating the wrong Keystore

1 answer


Failed to read key from keystore

There are several possibilities for this error to appear. See possible below:

  • When entering the password on menu to generate the APK, you may have mistaken the password.
  • Before I can generate one APK, you must create a file nome.jks and save to any folder. If this file does not exist, this error will be shown.

Another way to know what’s going on is by using the command line below on Gradle Command Line:

gradle signingReport - Windows

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