Version Control Help - GIT/ SVN


Viewed 161 times


I joined a company that works with GIT, I worked with SVN, and I’m having some difficulties adapting to GIT. Then I would like to migrate to SVN, since the team are only two programmers.

We have the GIT repository on a linux server. For linux, I found Rabbitvcs, which even has git support.

How do I do this migration, or do you think I should stay with GIT using Rabbitvcs? Can help me with this and the following setup questions?

  • To keep organized you should ask only one question. The question will be closed because we need objective answers, answers that say "I use it and I advise you to use it too" don’t help anyone learn anything. Leaving the migration part will invalidate the answers given so far that you have chosen to give your opinion. So I think the question is hopeless. Create a new migration that might be interesting. I am voting to close because of the party asking for opinion which is the party they considered relevant and answered. Those answers are just "that’s my preference".

  • Set the question to how to use git

  • He can’t adapt the question to answer an answer that doesn’t answer what he was asked. The question is disabled because the two answers answer different things. His intention is not to ask how Git works. He can even do this in another question if he thinks he should but after the answers have been given it becomes difficult to change the focus of the question.

2 answers


Hello, I strongly advise you to use Git, as it is the most widely used version control tool today, and it’s never good to be out of date. Git is not the most used by chance. It follows the advantages over the others:

  • Speed
  • Simple design
  • Strong support for non-linear development
  • Fully distributed
  • Ability to handle large volume efficiently

That guide here is great and explains the git commands in a running stream. If you know a little bit of English github also has this great online tutorial

Basically you will use the commands add, commit, push to add information. And commands fetch and pull to update your project.

I also recommend using branchs. A very good tool for this branch control is the Gitflow


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