Tree Primefaces - node is not selected with the right button


Viewed 98 times


I switched to version 5.1 of Primefaces and now when I right click to open Contextmenu node is not selected. In version 5.0 it worked correctly.

  <p:tree id="plano" value="#{planoMB.plano}" var="p" selectionMode="single" selection="#{planoMB.selectedNode}">
    <p:treeNode type="movto" icon="ui-icon-document">
      <h:outputText value="#{p.descricao}" />
    <p:menuitem value="Editar" update=":editPlano" oncomplete="PF('dlgEditPlano').show()"/>
  • This type of regression/change is common among Primefaces versions. I’ve had similar problems and the solution was to analyze the original code in Javascript, comparing the changes between versions, until finding the point that affected the specific behavior. Try to post this problem on the official forum of the PF, but they do not always give any attention there.

  • Yes, I’ve posted on the official forum, but by the way I’ll be forced to sign the Elite version, because at least then I can have the most current version.

  • You can take their SVN trunk and compile it on your machine to see if it works first. It’s not that complicated because projects use Maven.

  • Yes, I started doing this yesterday, however, I think that the version that is in the SVN is not stable, since some classes are in error... I’ll see what can be done. ;)

  • 1

    It might actually be a problem to use trunk. Their SVN does not have release tags?

  • Oops! My stupidity. I looked in BRANCHE and forgot about TAG :D There are all community releases yes. Now is working on the bug. Thanks!

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