Limit Length URL GET


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What character limit for a URL? I see this because I followed a GET request from facebook where the URL had around 7k of characters, so I searched, the maximum is 2048, and this depends on the browser, but in general is around 2k.

And if there is no limit, why send by GET? for being more efficient than POST?

  • 2

    Possibly already answered in Problem with very large URL

  • 2
  • perfect, grateful for the reply @Bacco

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    Just to complement, GET and POST are very similar in terms of operation. Many people end up staying at GET because of the ease of manually generating the URL, but in practice only change the headers and the order of the information in the upload. The biggest difference between GET and POST is that POST sends the information after the header, in the body of the request, and GET as part of the address, but at the end of the accounts it is just a "text stack" that is sent to the server, in a very similar way in the 2 modes.

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    It may be nice to read it here, although it is very superficial in my opinion:

  • I once saw that GET is faster, but the difference is minimal, and what matters is the information security issue in case you choose which one.. Private data being revealed in the URL for example is not cool, even because there is the possibility of being cached.. I’ll read it, thank you.

  • I can’t think of any reason for GET to be faster (unless we consider that on a trip to São Paulo the person sitting in front of the bus arrives faster than the person sitting in the background), but if you find the source of the information, I’m curious to see if there are any details I’m forgetting

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