Phonegap x native application


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Phonegap x native application: What are the main advantages and disadvantages of the two.

  • The advantages and disadvantages will totally depend on what you need to do.

  • This question is not mainly based on opinions, it is perfectly possible to compare both approaches objectively. And the comparison is useful - since the huge benefit of Phonegap portability needs to be weighed against its drawbacks in order to make an informed decision as to whether to use it or not when developing a new application.

  • @Fernando even wrote an article about it. I don’t know if I can post the link here. I suggest you check with him at chat about that.

2 answers


Development with: Phonegap

The PhoneGap is a framework for the development of applications hybrid, using the latest technology from web. Well known for webDevelopers, who are: HTML5, CSS3 and Javascript.

He is a framework fully compatible with others frameworks, who are responsible for the user-interface, like the jQuery Mobile.


  • Ease to handle native platform components.
  • Facility to develop a single code for multiple platforms.
  • Easy learning, no need to learn platform language.
  • Learning is even easier for those who are already a webDeveloper.
  • Compatibility with others frameworks.
  • Open framework-source


  • Only recommended for small and medium-sized applications.
  • Poor performance
  • Development of interfaces is complicated
  • Poor usability

Development with: code native

In general, code development native, is the most recommended for all developers. It allows you greater access to all the platform tools and also better control of your application. However, it has its disadvantages, which will be mentioned below.


  • Huge documentation.
  • Great usability.
  • Great performance.
  • Code organization more advanced.
  • Creating interfaces is facilitated (depends on the platform).
  • Security.
  • Active community.
  • Recommended for small, medium and large applications.
  • Easy access to device features (such as sensors).
  • Applications that use resources 2D/3D are faster, comparing it phoneGap.


  • You need to learn the language required by the platform (Java, C#, Swift, ...).
  • Code portable for other platforms, where 1 code is required for each.

Battle of giants

Develop natively is a good option, even if you need to learn a new technology. Still, learning a new technology will always be good for you. However, if you don’t care much about it and also don’t care about the usability or performance of the application, the use of phoneGap is recommended. Otherwise, developing natively is the best option. The bad of the phoneGap is that the app’s performance is pretty bad compared to a native. But anyway, if your application is not so complex, you can make it with phoneGap. Or if you prefer, you can do nativamente, and have greater control over your application on the platform you are developing.

Final verdict

At the moment, develop natively remains the best option for developers. But with the great technological breakthrough, who knows this doesn’t change?

  • Thank you. I heard what you wanted


See the following article comparing Native and Hybrid Apps advantages and disadvantages:


If you want to develop hybrid applications I would indicate to you the Ionic framework, it uses Javascript, CSS3 and HTML, is based on Phonegap has good documentation and many plugins on the internet to be used.

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